Sorry I haven't been on lately, I've recently made another deviantART specifically for TG stories. Might I say, it's going well! If you want to check it out, just visit my page!
I've been spending more time on it than I have writing more stories for the lot of you :P
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Friday, June 15, 2012
The Gender Bender

NOTE: This story is all based and inspired from the SCP-Foundation. The link in which I found/got this from is here ( All credit (including the picture above) goes towards this site and particular picture! The below picture is just one used for the story :). Basically, just read the story so you can understand the story you're about to read :D
Jess worked at the SCP Foundation. He kind of liked his job, though it was very dangerous working there because of all the specimens they kept locked up. He knew that one of these days that one of the specimens would break out and cause all hell.
Walking down the white halls of the foundation, Jess was greeted by the companion that everybody loves: The Tickle Monster (SCP-999 for the curious :) ). He petted the giant blob and the blob responded with a sound of a giggle and rubbed against Jess and rolled away. Unlike most specimens, the Tickle Monster was very friendly and never aggressive. Jess continued his walk down the labs where he was needed to transport SCP-113, a fairly dangerous specimen. Although it wasn't living, the information on record showed that this specimen contained the ability to change one's gender completely. With a 25% fail rate and 75% chance of getting lacerations, internal complications etc., Jess made sure that he would double, maybe even triple check, his equipment before touching the thing. He arrived at the lab and was now in a hallway with 6 different doors. "Alright, I'm supposed to be in room..." He checked his clipboard. "...427." He slowly walked by each door, checking the numbers on each one. Room 427 was at the end of the hall. He opened the door and entered a cool, heavily air conditioned atmosphere. He didn't mind the cold; from what a lot of people say, cold air kills bacteria and some germs. Then again he was used to cold air because of how long he worked here. "Mr. Davis! Glad you were able to come!" One of his supervisors, Tom Roland, went up and shook his hand. "Naturally!" Jess smiled. "Please, this way." Tom waved a hand through another door.
Jess entered the room to be greeted by what looks like a typical police interrogation room with 2 way mirrors and such. This is actually one of the first times he's been in a specimen cell that wasn't living. The security wasn't top notch in his eyes, but he knew there was a lot of secrets to all holding cells. Tom came on the intercom inside the room, "Mr. Davis, in front of you is specimen SCP-113. Otherwise known as the 'Gender Bender'. If I may read to you these precautions... *ahem* SCP-113 or 'Gender Bender' will change the sex of who/what ever it touches, which also includes animals and such. Should SCP-113 come in contact with your skin, it is advised that you try not to panic nor do you try to remove it. Any removal from the skin will cause 3rd degree burns and other complications that will harm you. Let SCP-113 do it's natural thing so that no damage is done. However, there is also a 25% chance that your transformation will fail, if he contacts you. There is also a 75% chance of minor tissue damage wherever it touches you." He heard papers rustling as if they were being put down. "Basically, Jess, you're screwed either way if you're touched."
SCP-113 looked like a red stone, almost like amber but more red than orange. There was rubber gloves that lead into its cell and a small box to put it in. "Your job, Mr. Davis, is to place SCP-113 into the box to your right so that we may clean the holding cell and also add some adjustments. It shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes." Tom explained over the intercom. "If anything goes wrong, we'll be forced to lock down that room until whatever happens is over. Understand?" Jess gave an 'okey-dokey' hand symbol to one of the mirrors. "I was behind you, Jess, but that works, too." Tom chuckled. "You may proceed to move SCP-113." Jess went up to the fish tank-like container and slipped the gloves on. 113 was as still as a rock. Jess went over to pick it up, but it wasn't hard like he thought it was, it was like rubber slime. It slipped through his hands and jiggled on the floor of the cell, retaining its shape. "To be honest, Tom, I thought this was a stone like creature..." Jess focused on 113. "Nope, it's just as slimy as sewer waste..." Jess cupped his hands and held 113. It looked alive because it took shape of his hand, as if it was sitting in his hands. Jess quickly but cautiously hovered over the box, but just as he was about to settle it in, 113 jiggled and shot into the glove. "What the hell?!" Jess shouted in shock. There was a cool feeling along his forearm. He pulled one of his hands out and pulled up his lab coat's sleeve. There on his forearm was 113, hugging his arm for warmth and about to change his life.
"BREACH!" Tom shouted into the intercom. "Breach in room 427! Specimen 113 has broken free of it's cell!" Jess heard the doors lock and the room became a blood red. "We can't risk that thing running among the place, Jess. You're going to have to stay there until... well, you're changed... I'm sorry there's nothing we can do for you but watch." Jess looked down at his arm as 113 soon grew colder. Then a sudden pain shot up his arm and through his body. After that shock, a soothing feeling flowed throughout his body, releasing a sense of relief. Afterwards, his body felt tingly, like his entire body was asleep and was regaining blood flow. After about 20 seconds, 113 jumped from his arm and back into the glove, squirting out back into its cell and sitting there. When 113 jumped off, it left a couple of red marks on his skin, almost like burn marks. "What now?" Jess called, rubbing his arm. "We wait until it's over." Tom responded. "Until what's over?" Jess started to panic, but had to calm down, otherwise he may screw himself over.
Jess felt this excruciating pain come from his stomach. He knelt down and grabbed his abdomen to try to sooth the pain, but it only got worse. The pain soon shot through his body as if the blood itself were hurting. His entire skin was sore; sunburn sore. His entire body started to hurt and was becoming sore. His skeletal figure was hurting the worst, though. Jess was wincing in pain when he felt his back shift and his pelvis getting wider. He tried taking off his lab coat, but he was hurting too much. By this point, his back was hurting so much, he threw himself on the ground just to distract himself from the pain on his spine. He was arching back on the floor when his stomach painfully forced itself inward. A hot-cold feeling ran along his skin. His hips, forced by his newly grown pelvis, grew out to size to match his bone structure. It was hurting too much. Jess turned over into a fetal position. A burning sensation took hold of his butt when it painfully grew out to proportions. He had 'growing pains' on his legs when he literally felt them get shorter and something else. He was clawing at his head which started itching horribly. He scratched and shook his head, it felt as if there were parasites in his hair. The more he scratched, the longer his hair started to grow and he could see that in one of the mirrors in the corner of the room. Something caught hold of his throat and he began to cough. Not just a regular 'sick' cough, but a cough that would vibrate the room. He was coughing uncontrollably. Every few coughs, his voice rose and after about 15 seconds, his voice was the perfect pitch of a woman's.
His chest started to hurt afterwards. At first, he though he was having a heart attack, but then found out it was something different when his chest started to bulge. He could see it; 2 lumps of flesh under his lab coat. The pain was brought back again. He moaned in pain as the skin was beginning to stretch, filling with fat and other material to fit the new figure of a woman. Rolling on the floor, he could begin to feel the weight of the new found boobs on his chest. 35 seconds of pain later, his breasts were finished growing and a sigh of relief escaped his mouth. But it wasn't done and Jess knew that, there was still the matter of...
He grabbed the cloth of his black pants. "Oh God no..." There was no stopping it, Jess knew that, but the fact that this may cause major pain struck him. A wall of pain slammed into his crotch. Really, it felt like he just got kicked in the nuts. In fact, it may have even shot his testicles into his body. He could feel the small balls of flesh run up and place themselves on his pelvis. A bolt of pain shocked either side of his hips as part of his manhood morphed into ovaries. His sack started to envelop his penis, creeping along the piece of flesh that his is own. Not only did it feel weird, but also felt like acid was dissolving his penis. Jess' hand pounded the floor wanting that pain to stop. After the burning stopped, skin started to stretch and pull in his crotch. Muscles grew right below his butt and the muscles began to pull and tug on the remnants of his sack and penis. He was on the verge of passing out. The mass of flesh started to shrink and carve a fleshy cave in the void of his crotch. He felt air, air, inside him. He could feel the new found path of what is beginning to be his uterus. The muscles of his almost finished vagina started to close and seal itself together. He jumped as the muscles cramped to get the void closed and was 'over'. The girl that was Jess panted on the ground. "Finally..." She thought, "... A break."
She couldn't feel it, but the canal of the uterus had finished without her knowing. She was now an official girl. An amount of joy radiated from her vagina and she giggled as goosebumps arose from her skin. The lights turned back on, but there was still precaution to be taken. "Jess!" Tom called, "Are you alright?" The girl stood up and looked down at the new body before her. "Erm, Tom? I think I may need a new name..." She pulled on her shirt, on her pants and poked one of her breasts. "Yea..." Tom sighed. "We'll let you out so you can rest and have some medics look at you, just to be sure that you're fine." 'Jess' heard the doors unlock and Tom opened the door, gesturing a way out.
As 'Jess' walked to the medical office, she started thinking of a new name now that she was a girl. "Jessica..." The name echoed in her head and she smiled at the name. She entered the office and was greeted by a nurse by the name of Jade. "Hi, Jess!" She greeted in an overly happy tone. "Erm... I happened to think of a name on the way over here... It's Jessica." She didn't want to intrude or be rude, but hell, why not start getting used to the name? "Alrighty, Jessica!" Nurse Jade nudged her with an elbow. "Right... We're going to need to take x-rays to be sure than everything is in order. This is just for your safety." Nurse Jade went over to grab a gown. "You're going to need to change into this, though." She handed Jessica the gown. "Right..." Jessica hesitantly walked over to the bathroom.
She entered the bathroom and started to strip down. She felt embarrassed even though nobody was around to watch. It was the fact that she was about to explore parts of her new body that she hasn't experienced herself. She got into the gown and exited the bathroom. "I'm in!" Jessica said sheepishly. "Alrighty! If you step over here to the x-ray, we'll begin. Don't worry, it's not enough to injure you, so you won't need a plate to protect yourself." Nurse Jade pointed to a small bed with a giant piece of equipment hovering over it. She lay down and let the nurse do her job. The machine moved and hummed for about a minute and Nurse Jade called from behind the glass, "And done!" She called. "Wow... that was fast." Jessica got off of the table. Jessica entered the examining room. "Anything wrong?" She sat down on one of the leather chairs. "Hmm..." Nurse Jade was examining the pictures. "Nope! You're 100% healthy. It's as if you've been a girl your entire life! My, you're quite lucky. Most other people that get changed have some sort of organ problem, and it's mostly the sex organs." Jessica was amazed. "Now, you do have an option, Jessica." Nurse Jade began. "What do you mean?" Jessica asked. "Well, your change isn't permanent. You can either stay that way, or you can go back to the room where SCP-113 is and change back by letting it touch you again." It was a thought that Jessica kind of thought about. "I can be a girl for a while... I wouldn't mind that." Then Jessica thought back to when she was turning into a girl. "But the pain I would have to go through just to get back into me again..." "No... I think I'll stay a girl for a while." Nurse Jade shrugged, "Ok. That's you choice! But if you ever want to change back, you just let me or Mr. Roland know." "Ok!" Jessica went back to the bathroom and changed back into her clothes. They were a little loose fitting, but Nurse Jade was able to help by putting a couple of pins on the clothes to keep it on. Jessica went to Tom's office. "So, what happened?" Tom asked. "I'm perfectly fine. Although, you're going to have to meet somebody I met. Her name is Jessica Davis."
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Magic does exist
This may seem closer to a story that was written some time ago (refer to the Valentine's Day story :) ) but really, this is in spite of me personally. I won't go into detail ;). Also, if the story seems to be getting dirty, don't worry about it, you guys should know I don't do anything 'erotic' :D
Clark was a Sophomore in high school and he didn't have a girlfriend. It's not the fact that it bothered him much, it was the fact that he just wanted somebody to cuddle with, somebody to hug and talk to. But to him, that shot at happy times was nothing but a dream. He did have a friend in particular, however, Sarah. Sarah was one of his closer friends. He was originally going to ask her out, but never did because he was afraid that it would complicate things and also get 'friend-zoned'. So, Clark figured, why not give it a shot of asking Sarah out? It doesn't hurt but try!
The next day at school, Clark ran into Sarah on the way to 3rd period. "Oh, hey Sarah!" Clark greeted. "Hi!" She responded. "Uhm... I, uh... I had a question to ask you..." Clark felt warmer as his adrenaline started to rush. "What's that?" "I was wondering if you... wanted to do something sometime? Like a date?" At this point, he pretty much just dropped the bomb was already shaking. "Oh... Uh... Well, Clark, it's not that I don't like you, it's just that you're a good friend and I don't want to lose a friend like you to complications from a relationship." "Damn it, I was afraid of that!..." Clark thought. "Ah, I see..." He responded in defeat. "Oh, don't worry, Clark, I know you'll find somebody! I've got to get to class. I'll see you at lunch!" She began her way down the hall. "Bye!" He waved and continued his day in dread.
He didn't feel the need to cry nor the need to feel needy, he just felt... depressed, struck down. Why did it matter? He knew it wasn't going to work anyways. Oh well, better just get home and forget about it. He arrived home awfully quiet and his parents noticed his weird emotion. "Is there something wrong, Clark?" His mom asked, having a hint of worries in her tone. "No, I'm fine, I'm... I'm just thinking." "Okay, dear, just let me know if you want to talk or anything. You're kind of scaring me, to be honest." Clark made his way to his room and sat down in front of his TV watching cartoons. He felt pathetic, but it was just Sarah that was getting to his mind.
Later that night, after he turned his computer off to go to bed, he some time to star gaze for a little bit. As he looked up at the night sky he say something move from the corner of his eye, a shooting star. "Hmm..." He thought, watching the sparkle in the sky, "I... I wish I was in a relationship..." And after the wish was made, the sparkle in the sky shot down into Earth as if the universe heard him. He kind of smiled, but at the same time, he never really believed in that kind of mumbo jumbo. He went to bed and a little part of him hoped that wish came true.
He woke up about 10 minutes earlier than he usually does. "Oh man..." He slowly arose from his bed, feeling a massive headache approaching. "Jeez, I hope this is just one of those hour sickness things..." In the dim morning light, Clark noticed his hands and his arms unusually small. "... Hm?" He grunted and squinted to look in the dark. "Ah, it's probably just the light and my eyes..." Still getting himself up from the covers of his bed, he felt not only lighter, but more... brisky. His clothes felt a lot looser and when his shirt brushed up against his chest, it felt tingly as if his chest somehow fell asleep and was regaining blood flow. He ignored it and proceeded to the bathroom. Turning the lights on, he stumbled back from how bright his lights were. "Oh God!" He carefully walked into his bathroom, covering his eyes until they got used to it. He looked at himself in the mirror, noticing some odd traits about himself: skinnier/slimmer, less muscle and more feminine, his chest felt and looked a little bloated and he could feel that some parts of him were a little bit bigger, but he ignored it assuming that it was just his groggy state of mind.
He stripped down to get ready for a shower, but as he did, he found that all of his body hair was gone! None on his legs, on his arms, under his arms and his privates were also naked. "What's going on?" Panic started to settle. He was concerned as to what happened to his body and to his hair. "I think this is my sister's doing..." He mumbled. He and his sister, Lauren, were notorious for playing pranks on each other every now and then before school, so, he thought nothing of it. He turned the water on and threw his clothes aside. He stepped into the water and began washing himself. Rubbing himself with soap, his skin felt so much softer. A feeling of stress was purged from his body. "Oh man, I feel amazing!" He felt new and refreshed when he cleaned himself.
He stripped down to get ready for a shower, but as he did, he found that all of his body hair was gone! None on his legs, on his arms, under his arms and his privates were also naked. "What's going on?" Panic started to settle. He was concerned as to what happened to his body and to his hair. "I think this is my sister's doing..." He mumbled. He and his sister, Lauren, were notorious for playing pranks on each other every now and then before school, so, he thought nothing of it. He turned the water on and threw his clothes aside. He stepped into the water and began washing himself. Rubbing himself with soap, his skin felt so much softer. A feeling of stress was purged from his body. "Oh man, I feel amazing!" He felt new and refreshed when he cleaned himself.
He bent down to clean his legs and such when he noticed... well, his piece of flesh. It twitched in his face and he flinched. Then, the entire thing started the retract and pull itself in, making a faint slurping sound in the water. "WHAT THE HELL?!" He dropped his soap and started to flip out. He could feel his skin folding and morphing into something else. His sack was deflated and had got ridden of 'objects'. A flap started to peel itself open and pull in whatever was left of his penis. The downward pull of his skin made him cringe in sheepish emotion, giving himself goosebumps. With everything tucked away in an organic fault, the hole began to seal itself. More skin was pulled into this black hole and clamped shut. He got a hand and felt around this closed void and was very tight as if muscles were clenched so hard! Then, a sudden sense of joy hit him. All of his muscles relaxed to the point of his knees buckling beneath. He cautiously lay himself down in avoidance of hitting something.
He lay in his bathtub, with the water hitting his skin, with happiness and such flowing through his body with a rush. "I feel like I'm on drugs!" Clark said to himself, allowing the water to his his face. Still laying down, something sticky caught on the back of his neck. He grabbed it and it was his hair, which was now a burnt burgundy color and longer than before. "What?" He still didn't get the message nor did he understand what was going on. He got up and finished washing himself, still in amazement and under the spell of his rush. He turned the water off and stepped on the towel in front of the tub. He grabbed another towel from the rack and covered himself with it. But as he was tying the towel around his waist, he could visibly see his chest had sprouted small breasts. "Ah!" He yelped in a squeaked voice and covered 'his' breasts.
He lay in his bathtub, with the water hitting his skin, with happiness and such flowing through his body with a rush. "I feel like I'm on drugs!" Clark said to himself, allowing the water to his his face. Still laying down, something sticky caught on the back of his neck. He grabbed it and it was his hair, which was now a burnt burgundy color and longer than before. "What?" He still didn't get the message nor did he understand what was going on. He got up and finished washing himself, still in amazement and under the spell of his rush. He turned the water off and stepped on the towel in front of the tub. He grabbed another towel from the rack and covered himself with it. But as he was tying the towel around his waist, he could visibly see his chest had sprouted small breasts. "Ah!" He yelped in a squeaked voice and covered 'his' breasts.
Now technically a girl, she noticed her voice, "Wow, voice crack..." She said to herself with severe voice cracking in the sentence. "Wow!" She sounded sick with how bad it was. She began to clear his throat. Each 'ahem' was bringing her pitch of voice higher and higher. At one point she 'ahem'ed so hard that she ended up having a coughing fit. At last, her throat was clear. "Hello, helloooo." She tested out her voice. "Whoa!" She was alarmed that the tone of her voice was now in the tone of a woman's. "Did... Am..." She walked to the mirror and found a 17 year old girl staring at her. "No..." She touched the mirror in a typical 'is-that-really-me' type of way. "Oh my God! I'm a girl now!?!" She accidentally dropped her towel to reveal the naked body that was hers to the mirror. "So, what happened in the shower..." She felt the void between her legs, "... And what happened right now..." She looked at her breasts which had grown a little since she had last seem them. "Wow..." She was shocked! What would you do if you had just turned into a girl?
If she was a girl, then that means that none of her clothes would fit her. Luckily, she always leaves last in the family so her parents and her sister were gone for the day. Quickly, she ran to her sister's room to grab some clothes. She grabbed a blue skirt, some knee socks, a bra, some panties and a dress-wear tank top. She had trouble with the bra, but she eventually got all of the clothes on. She grabbed one her sister's hand bags that she used to take to school, stuffed it with some of her papers and sprinted to school.
To her surprise, she was early. She usually got out of bed, took a shower and all that and arrived around 5 minutes until the bell rang, she was 10 minutes from the bell. "Hmph..." She scoffed softly to herself. "Hey!" She heard a voice from behind, it was Sarah. "Wha...?" She turned around to find Sarah jogging up to her. "I haven't seen you around, are you new here?" "Erm... Yes." She answered shyly. "Don't be shy! Here, I'll be your guide and your first friend here! I'm Sarah, what's your name?" The girl that was originally Clark started to stutter, "I'm... I-I *cough*" She tried faking a coughing fit and it stalled for enough time. However, that stalled time wasn't for 'Clark'... "Uh... I think you have something on your face..." Sarah began to gesture. "Where?" She looked up and Sarah looked into her eyes, "Clark??" "Great, she found out already..." "What happened?!" "I don't know! I just wished on this star that I could be in a relationship and coo coo cachoo, I'm a girl!" Sarah began to click her tongue, "Should've specified..." She shrugged, "Oh well..." Sarah's eyes lit up, "I know a guy who'd be perfect for you! He's exactly like you; can't find a girlfriend, Sophomore... C'mon, I'll show you!" 'Clark' stood in the same spot, "Sarah, you know I'm still me..." "I know, but you're a girl now! It wouldn't be weird!" Sarah grabbed her hand, but she snapped it away, "It'd be weird for me, though. I still have the mindset of a guy." "C'mon! You still have 8 minutes before school, at least talk to him for a little bit!" Sarah was practically hanging off of 'Clark's' strength. "Fine..." She bolted off with 'Clark' in hand.
To her surprise, she was early. She usually got out of bed, took a shower and all that and arrived around 5 minutes until the bell rang, she was 10 minutes from the bell. "Hmph..." She scoffed softly to herself. "Hey!" She heard a voice from behind, it was Sarah. "Wha...?" She turned around to find Sarah jogging up to her. "I haven't seen you around, are you new here?" "Erm... Yes." She answered shyly. "Don't be shy! Here, I'll be your guide and your first friend here! I'm Sarah, what's your name?" The girl that was originally Clark started to stutter, "I'm... I-I *cough*" She tried faking a coughing fit and it stalled for enough time. However, that stalled time wasn't for 'Clark'... "Uh... I think you have something on your face..." Sarah began to gesture. "Where?" She looked up and Sarah looked into her eyes, "Clark??" "Great, she found out already..." "What happened?!" "I don't know! I just wished on this star that I could be in a relationship and coo coo cachoo, I'm a girl!" Sarah began to click her tongue, "Should've specified..." She shrugged, "Oh well..." Sarah's eyes lit up, "I know a guy who'd be perfect for you! He's exactly like you; can't find a girlfriend, Sophomore... C'mon, I'll show you!" 'Clark' stood in the same spot, "Sarah, you know I'm still me..." "I know, but you're a girl now! It wouldn't be weird!" Sarah grabbed her hand, but she snapped it away, "It'd be weird for me, though. I still have the mindset of a guy." "C'mon! You still have 8 minutes before school, at least talk to him for a little bit!" Sarah was practically hanging off of 'Clark's' strength. "Fine..." She bolted off with 'Clark' in hand.
They arrived to a couple of tables outside not too far from the front door. Sitting there was a guy that looked just like him, even playing a little bit of Pokemon like he used to do. "Go on!" Sarah gave her a little push. What was odd to 'Clark' was how each step she was a little more attracted to him. By the time she got to the table, she was practically in those 'oh my God, I want to be in your arms all the time' places. "Hi!" She called. The boy looked up, "Hello!" "What's your name?" "Ethan. What about you?" 'Clark' had a name in mind when she was walking, it was the new mindset that had taken over when she saw Ethan. "Chelsie." "Chelsie... I like that name." Chelsie blushed and they got closer to each other, talking until school started. Sarah was watching the magic unfold and she teared up a little. Sarah and Chelsie were still friends along with Ethan being Chelsie's boyfriend. Chelsie got what she finally dreamed of for the longest time, but somewhere in the back of her mind, Clark was still there and was finally happy.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
It's been TOO long since I've last been here! First off, let me say that I'm sorry I haven't been doing anything with stories. I've actually been... 'busy'. And by that, I mean I've been playing nothing but games and sleeping all day ever since summer started. What are you going to do? :shrugs:
So, with me being back (and hopefully going to be more active) I'm going to start brain storming some ideas for stories. I have one in mind, but like all of my other stories, I'm going to have to search for a picture :P. I'm probably going to give my background a change, just something new to look at, you know?
Other than that, I'm kind of excited to get started again!
One more thing: Since I'm still going to be playing a lot of games, you should come find me so we can talk or just be friends :D
Steam: GordonOfFreeman
Xbox: GordonOfFreeman
Skype: imonemuckyfuthalucka (don't ask about the name...)
deviantART: Kujufuji (I know it's not a game, but if you ever want to find me, that's me!)
MY FACEBOOK! Seriously, check it out!
I should probably make a Twitter because, well, I'm on it more than I'm on Facebook (my personal time anyways). When I do make a Twitter, I'll let you guys know!
Until then, loved ones, keep on checking!
Also, if you don't mind doing a little bit of advertising? It seems that my absence has probably lost some people. So, if you can be awesome and just tell a friend or 2 about this wonderful place :) :) :)
It's been TOO long since I've last been here! First off, let me say that I'm sorry I haven't been doing anything with stories. I've actually been... 'busy'. And by that, I mean I've been playing nothing but games and sleeping all day ever since summer started. What are you going to do? :shrugs:
So, with me being back (and hopefully going to be more active) I'm going to start brain storming some ideas for stories. I have one in mind, but like all of my other stories, I'm going to have to search for a picture :P. I'm probably going to give my background a change, just something new to look at, you know?
Other than that, I'm kind of excited to get started again!
One more thing: Since I'm still going to be playing a lot of games, you should come find me so we can talk or just be friends :D
Steam: GordonOfFreeman
Xbox: GordonOfFreeman
Skype: imonemuckyfuthalucka (don't ask about the name...)
deviantART: Kujufuji (I know it's not a game, but if you ever want to find me, that's me!)
MY FACEBOOK! Seriously, check it out!
I should probably make a Twitter because, well, I'm on it more than I'm on Facebook (my personal time anyways). When I do make a Twitter, I'll let you guys know!
Until then, loved ones, keep on checking!
Also, if you don't mind doing a little bit of advertising? It seems that my absence has probably lost some people. So, if you can be awesome and just tell a friend or 2 about this wonderful place :) :) :)
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Wade in the Waters
Disclaimer: Okay, guys, since this is my first 'graphic' story, I'm going to have to do things a little different.
The following story is not meant for... virgin eyes, I guess you could say. So, if you feel that you may not be able to handle such language or whatever, then please, be aware. If you feel that you may be offended (no racial slurs, I'm talking 'nasty' words), can't handle bad language or just don't want to read because of it, then don't continue to read the story. Mind you, I will not hold back, this means that if there's a certain part of the transformation or a word that I wouldn't use before, then I will use it. But likewise, I'll also try to hold back from using it too often and such. After all, I still keep an innocent mind :)
Thanks! (last reminder, the 'graphic' part of the story will be 'highlighted' with this: ~. So if you want to read the story, but skip the 'graphic' part, then just look for that :) )
Kevin lived pretty much a normal life. Nothing was too bad nor was it too good. It was just an average day for him everyday and he liked it that way. Of course, if something good or bad would happen, then there would be a slight change in his routine, then, back to normal as if nothing happened.
It was Friday and Kevin was driving home from work, listening to music with a smile on his face. Not that his job was bad, he just liked Fridays because he could sleep in and work on other things aside from what he should bring for lunch. Approaching his house, he noticed a mail truck pulling up to his driveway. "Perfect timing!" He said, pulling over behind the truck. He turned off his car and walked up to it as the mail lady exited the truck. "Excuse me!" Kevin announced his presence. She turned around and smiled, "Hi there! I'm going to assume you live here?" Kevin noticed a package in her hands, "Yes, ma'am! And I'm going to assume that that package is for me?" He pointed to the small brown box in her hands. She looked down and chuckled, "Yes! I just need you to sign this." She handed Kevin an electric pad for him to sign. He signed it and received the package. "Thank you! Have a nice day!" He called. "You, too!" The lady responded and she drove off.
He got back into his car to park the car and proceeded inside his house to examine the package. He placed it on the counter and attempted to find a return address or maybe even an address in general, but he couldn't find any. He was afraid of opening at first considering the package was a strange one from an unknown person; it could have been a bomb or poison. Kevin got a knife and carefully sliced the tape on the side of the box. Still being cautious, he slowly opened the flap on the right and pulled out a styrofoam piece with cellophane on top. He looked at it and found a bottle of something. It was a bath goodie, some sort of shampoo or bath soother. He opened the cellophane and took the bottle out. It was no bigger than a shot glass. He turned the bottle trying to find a label of a company or the name of the product, attempting to find out what it was exactly. Then he noticed a camouflaged paper in the styrofoam. He picked it up and opened it. It read:
The following story is not meant for... virgin eyes, I guess you could say. So, if you feel that you may not be able to handle such language or whatever, then please, be aware. If you feel that you may be offended (no racial slurs, I'm talking 'nasty' words), can't handle bad language or just don't want to read because of it, then don't continue to read the story. Mind you, I will not hold back, this means that if there's a certain part of the transformation or a word that I wouldn't use before, then I will use it. But likewise, I'll also try to hold back from using it too often and such. After all, I still keep an innocent mind :)
Thanks! (last reminder, the 'graphic' part of the story will be 'highlighted' with this: ~. So if you want to read the story, but skip the 'graphic' part, then just look for that :) )
Thanks to LanFang ( on deviantART for allowing me to use the picture and for the inspiration for this story!
For a bigger and better view of this picture, take a look! (§ion=&q=bathroom+tg#/d4xiv7u) It's very big and has a very good resolution so you can look at the detail put into this!
Thanks again!
For a bigger and better view of this picture, take a look! (§ion=&q=bathroom+tg#/d4xiv7u) It's very big and has a very good resolution so you can look at the detail put into this!
Thanks again!
Kevin lived pretty much a normal life. Nothing was too bad nor was it too good. It was just an average day for him everyday and he liked it that way. Of course, if something good or bad would happen, then there would be a slight change in his routine, then, back to normal as if nothing happened.
It was Friday and Kevin was driving home from work, listening to music with a smile on his face. Not that his job was bad, he just liked Fridays because he could sleep in and work on other things aside from what he should bring for lunch. Approaching his house, he noticed a mail truck pulling up to his driveway. "Perfect timing!" He said, pulling over behind the truck. He turned off his car and walked up to it as the mail lady exited the truck. "Excuse me!" Kevin announced his presence. She turned around and smiled, "Hi there! I'm going to assume you live here?" Kevin noticed a package in her hands, "Yes, ma'am! And I'm going to assume that that package is for me?" He pointed to the small brown box in her hands. She looked down and chuckled, "Yes! I just need you to sign this." She handed Kevin an electric pad for him to sign. He signed it and received the package. "Thank you! Have a nice day!" He called. "You, too!" The lady responded and she drove off.
He got back into his car to park the car and proceeded inside his house to examine the package. He placed it on the counter and attempted to find a return address or maybe even an address in general, but he couldn't find any. He was afraid of opening at first considering the package was a strange one from an unknown person; it could have been a bomb or poison. Kevin got a knife and carefully sliced the tape on the side of the box. Still being cautious, he slowly opened the flap on the right and pulled out a styrofoam piece with cellophane on top. He looked at it and found a bottle of something. It was a bath goodie, some sort of shampoo or bath soother. He opened the cellophane and took the bottle out. It was no bigger than a shot glass. He turned the bottle trying to find a label of a company or the name of the product, attempting to find out what it was exactly. Then he noticed a camouflaged paper in the styrofoam. He picked it up and opened it. It read:
Soothingly Bath Oil!
Congratulations! You and 12 other people have been chosen to test our new product! This bath oil will sooth your pores, relinquish any stress and calm your soul! It's as easy as 1, 2, 3! Simply ready a bath, get inside and pour our product into the water. You'll begin to feel new in seconds!
We hope you'll enjoy our product!
It was very strange to get a letter from a person or a company that wasn't even stated on the paper, but he was willing to try it out for himself to see if it was worth the time. If it wasn't, then at least he'll be clean.
Kevin went upstairs to his bathroom and began to run a bath. He stripped down and placed the small bottle of oil on the tub. He stepped into the warm, but soothing water and lay down in relaxation. After a few moments of calm, he grabbed the bottle, opened it and poured it around the water, making sure the oil didn't seep down to his skin. To his surprise, the yellow-colored oil turned purple as it hit the water. He didn't mind it, it was probably the heat that changed to viscous liquid. Feeling the oil almost immediately, he went into a deeper conscience of relaxation. Closing his eyes, he could feel a tiredness flow over him as he almost fell asleep, but of course, he remembered that he was in water and in fear of drowning in his own bathtub. However, when he opened his eyes, the water was entirely purple! No, not type of purple to where you can see through the water, it was a solid purple. "What the...?" Kevin got a little panicked. He then noticed some steam coming from the water. "Did the water get hotter from that?" Kevin couldn't really tell because he'd been in the water itself. A weird feeling came over his body, like something was about to happen. He couldn't see through the water and that kind of scared him. A piece of hair brushed in front of his eyes. Naturally, he had relatively long hair, but this was longer than what he had. Not only that, but it was red!
"What the hell!?" Kevin got out of the bathtub and stood up. He looked down and noticed that every body hair that existed on him, was gone. He could see that his skin was peeling off as if he had sunburn. Any patches of peeled skin revealed a paler, softer skin underneath. It was as if he were wearing a body suit his entire life. While that was going on, he could feel his limbs begin to shrink and shape themselves. Kevin was so confused, he didn't know what was going on and he couldn't stop it. All the while as his hair continued to grow red. He got out of the bathtub and stood in the mirror to watch in horror. His chest was red like he had a rash. The skin broke around his right bosom as skin started to push out of the dead remnants of his skin. His nipple perked as it continued to push. The other bosom was still red, but skin still peeling off. Still looking in the mirror, he could see that the entire right side of his body was changing. "Changing..." Kevin thought, "Changing into..." His eyes lit up. He realized that he was turning into a girl.
His bones were beginning to grow sore, Kevin could feel them underneath his skin as they began to shrink down into proportions for his new body. He arched slightly in pain as his spine took him down a couple of inches. His legs were slimming themselves into a shapely pair. His fingers grew slightly longer and his nails grew to add to the effect. He looked like a monster. The right side of his body was female while the other half was still muscular and manly. But a few spots on his body showed feminine pieces, like his collar bone was visible to him now. His shoulders toned down and his face was beginning to change. He could feel his eye have a muscle spasm. And to his attention, his right eye was now blue instead of brown. Then something on his crotch started to bug him, and that was the worst part of his change.
Kevin felt a slit underneath his scrotum. The slit was cutting itself open around his scrotum. The left testicle shot up into him, making him flinch, and the rest of the skin on that side followed. Now, completely visible, Kevin could see the slit about as big as a finger with a testicle hanging out of it. It was gross; you could see inside of his crotch, all the skin and some of his organs. With his testicle hanging out of it still, he could see and feel his penis began to bend over and point itself into the open hole. "Oh my God..." He cringed in pain as the skin on his penis was starting to stretch. It was stretching so much, that at the top of the penis, the skin started to break and rip like paper. Then, Kevin could see that the skin on his penis was scrumping up. He took a closer look and saw the 'innards' of his penis pull itself out of the skin. My, was it painful to feel his entire penis come out of his crotch and into the hole. He could feel the penis move up inside him and stopping right below his stomach. It started to stretch down into a canal for what is going to be a vagina. His other testicle finally shot up into him and moved into place with the other one, forming another ovary. The skin from his penis started to pull itself into the hole and turn into a 'wall' for the canal. The top of the skin pinched itself all along the slit and stopping a little ways below his butt. The hole closed up and pinched itself once more to finalize the shape of his now new vagina.
Kevin now noticed that the skin of his 'old body' was on the floor around him in a mess. Some patches were still on his body, but the majority of it was now pale, soft skin of his new self. His hair was practically finished, it was still growing the front of his hair for bangs. His other half of his body seemed to catch up with his right because his hand was slimmer and his other bosom was already pushing out with a perky nipple. Kevin started to cough. Each cough he made brought his voice higher in pitch to the point of a soft voice that a teenager would have. The last seconds of his transformation was taking place as the patches of skin fell off of him and small detail changes were taking place, like his nose shrinking. At long last, the painful moments of his transformation was done and Kevin was officially a girl.
Kelsy was a little surprised. The bottle of oil she received in the mail was probably a gender potion. But, in her mind, she didn't necessarily care. "Hmm..." She held the bottle up to her eyes, examining the thing. "Why would somebody send me something that would turn me into a girl?" She put the bottle down and shrugged. "Oh well, it was probably just a prank..." She turned to the mirror and began to examine her new body. It was awfully strange, being a girl. Some of the feelings were alien to her. For example, she didn't have a penis and she had breasts. Was that normal for her? Not really, but she didn't mind it. She was girl now and she'd have to realize that, but that realization came quite quickly when she smiled and walked out of the bathroom to get clothes. She was going to like this new life of hers.
We hope you'll enjoy our product!
It was very strange to get a letter from a person or a company that wasn't even stated on the paper, but he was willing to try it out for himself to see if it was worth the time. If it wasn't, then at least he'll be clean.
Kevin went upstairs to his bathroom and began to run a bath. He stripped down and placed the small bottle of oil on the tub. He stepped into the warm, but soothing water and lay down in relaxation. After a few moments of calm, he grabbed the bottle, opened it and poured it around the water, making sure the oil didn't seep down to his skin. To his surprise, the yellow-colored oil turned purple as it hit the water. He didn't mind it, it was probably the heat that changed to viscous liquid. Feeling the oil almost immediately, he went into a deeper conscience of relaxation. Closing his eyes, he could feel a tiredness flow over him as he almost fell asleep, but of course, he remembered that he was in water and in fear of drowning in his own bathtub. However, when he opened his eyes, the water was entirely purple! No, not type of purple to where you can see through the water, it was a solid purple. "What the...?" Kevin got a little panicked. He then noticed some steam coming from the water. "Did the water get hotter from that?" Kevin couldn't really tell because he'd been in the water itself. A weird feeling came over his body, like something was about to happen. He couldn't see through the water and that kind of scared him. A piece of hair brushed in front of his eyes. Naturally, he had relatively long hair, but this was longer than what he had. Not only that, but it was red!
"What the hell!?" Kevin got out of the bathtub and stood up. He looked down and noticed that every body hair that existed on him, was gone. He could see that his skin was peeling off as if he had sunburn. Any patches of peeled skin revealed a paler, softer skin underneath. It was as if he were wearing a body suit his entire life. While that was going on, he could feel his limbs begin to shrink and shape themselves. Kevin was so confused, he didn't know what was going on and he couldn't stop it. All the while as his hair continued to grow red. He got out of the bathtub and stood in the mirror to watch in horror. His chest was red like he had a rash. The skin broke around his right bosom as skin started to push out of the dead remnants of his skin. His nipple perked as it continued to push. The other bosom was still red, but skin still peeling off. Still looking in the mirror, he could see that the entire right side of his body was changing. "Changing..." Kevin thought, "Changing into..." His eyes lit up. He realized that he was turning into a girl.
His bones were beginning to grow sore, Kevin could feel them underneath his skin as they began to shrink down into proportions for his new body. He arched slightly in pain as his spine took him down a couple of inches. His legs were slimming themselves into a shapely pair. His fingers grew slightly longer and his nails grew to add to the effect. He looked like a monster. The right side of his body was female while the other half was still muscular and manly. But a few spots on his body showed feminine pieces, like his collar bone was visible to him now. His shoulders toned down and his face was beginning to change. He could feel his eye have a muscle spasm. And to his attention, his right eye was now blue instead of brown. Then something on his crotch started to bug him, and that was the worst part of his change.
Kevin felt a slit underneath his scrotum. The slit was cutting itself open around his scrotum. The left testicle shot up into him, making him flinch, and the rest of the skin on that side followed. Now, completely visible, Kevin could see the slit about as big as a finger with a testicle hanging out of it. It was gross; you could see inside of his crotch, all the skin and some of his organs. With his testicle hanging out of it still, he could see and feel his penis began to bend over and point itself into the open hole. "Oh my God..." He cringed in pain as the skin on his penis was starting to stretch. It was stretching so much, that at the top of the penis, the skin started to break and rip like paper. Then, Kevin could see that the skin on his penis was scrumping up. He took a closer look and saw the 'innards' of his penis pull itself out of the skin. My, was it painful to feel his entire penis come out of his crotch and into the hole. He could feel the penis move up inside him and stopping right below his stomach. It started to stretch down into a canal for what is going to be a vagina. His other testicle finally shot up into him and moved into place with the other one, forming another ovary. The skin from his penis started to pull itself into the hole and turn into a 'wall' for the canal. The top of the skin pinched itself all along the slit and stopping a little ways below his butt. The hole closed up and pinched itself once more to finalize the shape of his now new vagina.
Kevin now noticed that the skin of his 'old body' was on the floor around him in a mess. Some patches were still on his body, but the majority of it was now pale, soft skin of his new self. His hair was practically finished, it was still growing the front of his hair for bangs. His other half of his body seemed to catch up with his right because his hand was slimmer and his other bosom was already pushing out with a perky nipple. Kevin started to cough. Each cough he made brought his voice higher in pitch to the point of a soft voice that a teenager would have. The last seconds of his transformation was taking place as the patches of skin fell off of him and small detail changes were taking place, like his nose shrinking. At long last, the painful moments of his transformation was done and Kevin was officially a girl.
Kelsy was a little surprised. The bottle of oil she received in the mail was probably a gender potion. But, in her mind, she didn't necessarily care. "Hmm..." She held the bottle up to her eyes, examining the thing. "Why would somebody send me something that would turn me into a girl?" She put the bottle down and shrugged. "Oh well, it was probably just a prank..." She turned to the mirror and began to examine her new body. It was awfully strange, being a girl. Some of the feelings were alien to her. For example, she didn't have a penis and she had breasts. Was that normal for her? Not really, but she didn't mind it. She was girl now and she'd have to realize that, but that realization came quite quickly when she smiled and walked out of the bathroom to get clothes. She was going to like this new life of hers.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Dexter's Accident
Dexter usually kept to himself in his laboratory. That is, until his sister, Dee Dee, comes into play. Dexter hates when Dee Dee comes into his lab. Every time she comes in, she usually messes something up, regardless if Dexter was working on it or not. Not only so, but she always oh-so curious as to what Dexter was up to. But sometimes, it was more than just seeing what Dexter was doing.
Dexter was in his lab, as usual, working on some invention that would revolutionize his own little world. But, this was out of the ordinary, Dexter didn't seem like working on any of his towering robots, his machines or upgrading his personal assistant, his computer. No, Dexter decided to do something with chemistry. Sure, he's made a few concoctions here and there, but those were necessary, they weren't for personal use. He was making some kind of drink that would enhance one's appearance; mainly to make himself taller and better looking. "Hmm..." Dexter was lost in his mind about what he should be adding to this 'potion' to make it any better. "I think this may need some sort of flavoring. After all, I don't want to be drinking..." He looked over to his left and saw the ingredients he used; fish oil, crushed rose petals, fragrant grass. Pretty nasty tasting stuff. "... Ugh... I shall acquire some soda!" Dexter walked off out of his lab and downstairs. But Dexter forgot to close his door to the lab. Dee Dee waltzed into his room and into his lab.
Dee Dee was always fascinated with Dexter's lab, no matter how many times she had been in there. And she wasn't exactly up to par with safety, either. She had walked in his lab with a Pony Puff Princess energy drink. Wondering his lab and examining the different machines and gadgets that Dexter's lab had to offer, she found his little chemistry station where he was working on his drink. "Ooohh..." She put her drink on a hot plate next to Dexter's beaker and was awestruck with the different vials and tubing that chemistry had to offer. "Wooooowww..." Then, the familiar voice struck her ears, "Dee Dee, what the heck are you doing in my labor-a-tory?!" Dexter angrily walked over to his sister and put his soda next to his beaker. "How many times have I told you to stay out of my labor-a-tory, stewpid girl!?" "Oh, calm down, Dexter, I was just looking at your toy here." She pointed to Dexter's chemistry station. "Dee Dee, that is not a toy, this is extremely dangerous stuff and you could get hurt without proper gear." As Dexter was explaining to Dee Dee, the energy drink that was on the hot plate practically exploded. Most of the liquid from the drink landed in Dexter's beaker. "STEWPID GIRL! You see what you have done?! You've ruined most of my machinery! GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT!" Dexter pushed his sister out of his lab and shut the door.
"Oh, look at this mess!" Dexter pouted. "Computer; please get the janitor-bot on this, please?" "Of course, Dexter." His computer politely answered. A whirring came from down the lab and a robot with a rag and comb mustache was on the job immediately. "Careful of the equipment, janitor-bot." The robot beeped understandably. Dexter grabbed the soda and carefully poured it into the beaker that held the potion. "There we are!" Dexter held up the beaker in success. "Now, all we have to do is drink it and we'll be on our way to a better school life!" Dexter gulped the potion down in a matter of seconds. He placed the beaker on the table and sighed in satisfaction. "Hmm..." He smacked his lips, trying to take in another taste that he didn't seem to recognize. "Why is there a faint taste of cherry?" He went back to his soda and saw that it was just regular soda. He looked over at the ingredients he used and noticed the rose. "Could it have been the rose?" He shook his head and went back to work in his lab, waiting for the effects to take its course.
Dexter felt sore after walking away from his station. "Good, it seems to be working!" He stood in front of his giant robot and looked into the leg for a reflection. Yea, it was working alright, he was a foot taller. "Excellent!" But Dexter's triumph was killed when his legs snapped back to his original height. He fell down. Dazed, he stood up and looked into the robot again. Not only was his head still hurting, but he thought he saw himself with blonde hair. "Ouch... That fall was quite a doozy!" He walked casually to a first aid bot and got an ice pack for the back of his head. He placed the pack on the spot where it was most sore and continued walking to his massive super computer. After a couple of steps, he felt the soreness spread all over his scalp. "What the heck is going on?" He started to jog back to the robot. At first, he assumed he was bleeding. But the truth was revealed when he saw his reflection: his hair was down to his neck. "Oh no!" He ran back to his chemistry station to check for any sort of solution. "Computer, analysis!" He shouted as he sprinted for his station. "Scanning... Scanning complete. Dexter, it appears that you are changing into a female from my analysis." Dexter arrived at his station, "Impossible! How is that?!" Frantic, Dexter was practically sweeping his entire station clean, looking for answers. He noticed that the gloves on his hands were gone. He looked back to find them on the floor a few feet back from him. He looked down at his hands and found them rapidly shrinking. His lab coat started to press against his skin. "ARGH! What can it be?!" He noticed the charred remnants of a bottle on the floor. He picked it up and mouthed what he could read on the bottle. His eyes grew wide with anger. "DEE DEE!!!!!" He shouted at the top of his lungs. He ran out of his lab and across the hall to his sister's room and began to pound on the door.
"OPEN THE DOOR, GIRL!" Dexter noticed his black shoes were no longer rubber, and could feel socks on his feet. She opened the door in a polite, almost mocking way. "Yes, Dexter?" She had her eyes clothes and responded to him in a way stereotypical butlers would. "Dee Dee, you stewpid girl, look what you and your stewpid energy drink have done to me!" He pointed to himself and found that his entire bottom torso was changed completely: red flats with pinkish socks. His lab coat started to feel different when the sleeves started to climb his arms. "I don't know what you're talking about, Dexter." Dexter held up her energy drink. "Does this remind you of anything?" She picked the bottle out of his hand and slapped her face. "Oh no! You weren't supposed to drink that, Dexter!" He was a little confused as to why. "Why?" His sleeves stopped short below his shoulder and the bottom half of the lab coat fluttered down into a skirt. "Only girls are allowed to drink this! Have you no knowledge?" Dee Dee explained. Dexter himself was lost completely on a new world. "I-I-I don't understand, why...?" "PONY PUFF PRINCESS!" Dee Dee shouted some sense into him. "PRINCESS! Do you get it now?!" For some odd reason, Dee Dee was kind of panicking that her brother was turning into a girl. Dexter's lab coat's buttons fell off when the entire piece of clothing mashed together and turned red, becoming what is a girls dress. Feeling a tug in his hair, Dee Dee witnessed a red bow appear on the top of his head. "What am I going to do!?" Dexter shouted, hearing his voice climb with each syllable. Finally, Dexter's face morphed with feminine features and his change was finished..
Dee Dee was shocked, but at the same time, excited. "NOOO!" The girl that is Dexter screamed. "It won't be that bad, Dexter." Dee Dee knelt beside her, trying not to explode with joy. "Come, I'll show you what it means to be a girl!" Dee Dee gestured a hand into her room. Dexter succumbed to her and walked into room, with a glum look on her face. When Dee Dee entered the room, she finally let her emotion go and started to shout with glee that her little brother is her little sister. From there on, Dexter was known as Diana and learned everything she needed to know from Dee Dee about how to be a girl. Of course, his knowledge never left him, Diana still goes into her lab and is still trying to find an antidote for the gender changing potion that Dee Dee created.
Sorry the story seems a little rushed near the end, but in reality, it's kind of supposed to be a... a kid's type of story. After all, it's Dexter's Laboratory, I don't want it to turn graphic! :P
Dexter was in his lab, as usual, working on some invention that would revolutionize his own little world. But, this was out of the ordinary, Dexter didn't seem like working on any of his towering robots, his machines or upgrading his personal assistant, his computer. No, Dexter decided to do something with chemistry. Sure, he's made a few concoctions here and there, but those were necessary, they weren't for personal use. He was making some kind of drink that would enhance one's appearance; mainly to make himself taller and better looking. "Hmm..." Dexter was lost in his mind about what he should be adding to this 'potion' to make it any better. "I think this may need some sort of flavoring. After all, I don't want to be drinking..." He looked over to his left and saw the ingredients he used; fish oil, crushed rose petals, fragrant grass. Pretty nasty tasting stuff. "... Ugh... I shall acquire some soda!" Dexter walked off out of his lab and downstairs. But Dexter forgot to close his door to the lab. Dee Dee waltzed into his room and into his lab.
Dee Dee was always fascinated with Dexter's lab, no matter how many times she had been in there. And she wasn't exactly up to par with safety, either. She had walked in his lab with a Pony Puff Princess energy drink. Wondering his lab and examining the different machines and gadgets that Dexter's lab had to offer, she found his little chemistry station where he was working on his drink. "Ooohh..." She put her drink on a hot plate next to Dexter's beaker and was awestruck with the different vials and tubing that chemistry had to offer. "Wooooowww..." Then, the familiar voice struck her ears, "Dee Dee, what the heck are you doing in my labor-a-tory?!" Dexter angrily walked over to his sister and put his soda next to his beaker. "How many times have I told you to stay out of my labor-a-tory, stewpid girl!?" "Oh, calm down, Dexter, I was just looking at your toy here." She pointed to Dexter's chemistry station. "Dee Dee, that is not a toy, this is extremely dangerous stuff and you could get hurt without proper gear." As Dexter was explaining to Dee Dee, the energy drink that was on the hot plate practically exploded. Most of the liquid from the drink landed in Dexter's beaker. "STEWPID GIRL! You see what you have done?! You've ruined most of my machinery! GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT!" Dexter pushed his sister out of his lab and shut the door.
"Oh, look at this mess!" Dexter pouted. "Computer; please get the janitor-bot on this, please?" "Of course, Dexter." His computer politely answered. A whirring came from down the lab and a robot with a rag and comb mustache was on the job immediately. "Careful of the equipment, janitor-bot." The robot beeped understandably. Dexter grabbed the soda and carefully poured it into the beaker that held the potion. "There we are!" Dexter held up the beaker in success. "Now, all we have to do is drink it and we'll be on our way to a better school life!" Dexter gulped the potion down in a matter of seconds. He placed the beaker on the table and sighed in satisfaction. "Hmm..." He smacked his lips, trying to take in another taste that he didn't seem to recognize. "Why is there a faint taste of cherry?" He went back to his soda and saw that it was just regular soda. He looked over at the ingredients he used and noticed the rose. "Could it have been the rose?" He shook his head and went back to work in his lab, waiting for the effects to take its course.
Dexter felt sore after walking away from his station. "Good, it seems to be working!" He stood in front of his giant robot and looked into the leg for a reflection. Yea, it was working alright, he was a foot taller. "Excellent!" But Dexter's triumph was killed when his legs snapped back to his original height. He fell down. Dazed, he stood up and looked into the robot again. Not only was his head still hurting, but he thought he saw himself with blonde hair. "Ouch... That fall was quite a doozy!" He walked casually to a first aid bot and got an ice pack for the back of his head. He placed the pack on the spot where it was most sore and continued walking to his massive super computer. After a couple of steps, he felt the soreness spread all over his scalp. "What the heck is going on?" He started to jog back to the robot. At first, he assumed he was bleeding. But the truth was revealed when he saw his reflection: his hair was down to his neck. "Oh no!" He ran back to his chemistry station to check for any sort of solution. "Computer, analysis!" He shouted as he sprinted for his station. "Scanning... Scanning complete. Dexter, it appears that you are changing into a female from my analysis." Dexter arrived at his station, "Impossible! How is that?!" Frantic, Dexter was practically sweeping his entire station clean, looking for answers. He noticed that the gloves on his hands were gone. He looked back to find them on the floor a few feet back from him. He looked down at his hands and found them rapidly shrinking. His lab coat started to press against his skin. "ARGH! What can it be?!" He noticed the charred remnants of a bottle on the floor. He picked it up and mouthed what he could read on the bottle. His eyes grew wide with anger. "DEE DEE!!!!!" He shouted at the top of his lungs. He ran out of his lab and across the hall to his sister's room and began to pound on the door.
"OPEN THE DOOR, GIRL!" Dexter noticed his black shoes were no longer rubber, and could feel socks on his feet. She opened the door in a polite, almost mocking way. "Yes, Dexter?" She had her eyes clothes and responded to him in a way stereotypical butlers would. "Dee Dee, you stewpid girl, look what you and your stewpid energy drink have done to me!" He pointed to himself and found that his entire bottom torso was changed completely: red flats with pinkish socks. His lab coat started to feel different when the sleeves started to climb his arms. "I don't know what you're talking about, Dexter." Dexter held up her energy drink. "Does this remind you of anything?" She picked the bottle out of his hand and slapped her face. "Oh no! You weren't supposed to drink that, Dexter!" He was a little confused as to why. "Why?" His sleeves stopped short below his shoulder and the bottom half of the lab coat fluttered down into a skirt. "Only girls are allowed to drink this! Have you no knowledge?" Dee Dee explained. Dexter himself was lost completely on a new world. "I-I-I don't understand, why...?" "PONY PUFF PRINCESS!" Dee Dee shouted some sense into him. "PRINCESS! Do you get it now?!" For some odd reason, Dee Dee was kind of panicking that her brother was turning into a girl. Dexter's lab coat's buttons fell off when the entire piece of clothing mashed together and turned red, becoming what is a girls dress. Feeling a tug in his hair, Dee Dee witnessed a red bow appear on the top of his head. "What am I going to do!?" Dexter shouted, hearing his voice climb with each syllable. Finally, Dexter's face morphed with feminine features and his change was finished..
Dee Dee was shocked, but at the same time, excited. "NOOO!" The girl that is Dexter screamed. "It won't be that bad, Dexter." Dee Dee knelt beside her, trying not to explode with joy. "Come, I'll show you what it means to be a girl!" Dee Dee gestured a hand into her room. Dexter succumbed to her and walked into room, with a glum look on her face. When Dee Dee entered the room, she finally let her emotion go and started to shout with glee that her little brother is her little sister. From there on, Dexter was known as Diana and learned everything she needed to know from Dee Dee about how to be a girl. Of course, his knowledge never left him, Diana still goes into her lab and is still trying to find an antidote for the gender changing potion that Dee Dee created.
Sorry the story seems a little rushed near the end, but in reality, it's kind of supposed to be a... a kid's type of story. After all, it's Dexter's Laboratory, I don't want it to turn graphic! :P
Thursday, April 5, 2012
The Magic Soap
Man, I can't believe I lost the bet! And by a couple of points, too! Ugh, I'm getting to ahead of myself; let me start over. My name is Alex and me and my sister, Gina, had this bet on a game called 'Scramble with Friends'. I'm not sure if you know it, but it's like finding so many words in 2 minutes. Anyways, the bet was that if I win against her, she would have to turn herself into a boy for a month, if I lost, I'd have to turn myself into a girl for a month. And what happens? I lost the game by 7 points. SEVEN POINTS!! I had that game in the bag! God... A bet's a bet, my sister is actually out right now, buying something that'll change me.
And apparently the 'changing' material is... Soap! Soap? Why soap? Why can't it be like a magical potion that tastes like sunshine dust? I mean, the name is 'Magic Soap', literally. That's pretty stupid, really it is. Might as well get into the shower and do it before my sister beats me up for not following a bet through. I opened the bar of soap and, it doesn't smell too bad! It actually smells like the uhm.... The antibacterial hand soap, you know? It's orange and smells... Ah, forget it, it just smells good! Anyways, so I get into the shower and start washing myself down with the soap. Nothing is really happening. Then, after about a minute of lathering my body, I felt this tingling all over my body. Like there was some sort of electricity flowing through. I had to keep washing, I don't think a small layer of soap isn't going to do me good. So, I'm washing and washing and then my skin feels really good! Not good as in rejuvenated, good as in soft! It was like this soap was made of baby oil! Anyways, back to what I was saying, my body started to go through some changes now that I've gotten enough soap into the pores. As a matter of fact, my hair started to grow. Might I say, when your hair grows quickly like that, it kind of hurts. I don't think your body is supposed to do that, which is why it did. But, my hair, it was long! Not only that, but the color of my black hair melted off and was now blonde. I liked it; it was blonde, but there was a pink hue to it when it was in shade, pretty cool! Then I noticed all of the body hair was thinning, disappearing, almost shrinking into my skin. Not only did I have the smooth skin of a girl, but now, I didn't have any body hair to prove it! Which is good, I suppose...
I started to shrink next. I felt sore when I was shrinking, the muscles and bones were cramping like I had done nothing but straight aerobics and stretching and stuff. It was actually starting to hurt after a while, really bad actually. While I was shrinking down to size, my legs and my arms were shrinking along with it. Not only to fit the proportions of my body, but almost slendering to give myself the small, detailed curves that a girl had, you know? My legs got extra attention, they were so shapely by the time I finished shrinking, actually kind of sexy! But no, I shouldn't be talking about myself like that, that's just wrong... It's one thing to bask in the way you look, but actually getting turned on by the way you look? Nope, that's just disgusting. Anyways, My hands and feet had shrunk by this time so they didn't look out of the ordinary, might I say, I did have some cute hands and feet! Then I started to freak out when I saw my chest grow these 2 mounds of flesh. They weren't big, they looked like small man boobs, but I knew they were going to grow out more by the time I got out of the shower.
Some of the more 'heavier' changes started to kick in next; my butt had started pushing itself out, I could tell because my butt was burning and I could feel some extra weight behind me. After my butt was done, and I guess my shrinking stature and bone manipulation was done either, my waist cracked really loud! So loud, I actually bent over and braced myself for pain, but there was just a sudden jerk and to my attention, my waist was now the familiar figure of an hourglass and love handles. "Hmph..." I grunted in disappointment when I realized that my hips were a little small, it didn't really show off my figure, you know? Ugh, listen to me, I'm starting to worry like a girl already... Anyways, when I had grunted, I could feel something in my throat; a piece of food? Phlegm? Whatever it was, I needed to clear my throat. I started to do so, but then something pricked it and made me cough. Each cough I made raised my voice higher and higher each time until it reached the perfect pitch. "How do I sound?" Amazing. I like this voice I have!
The biggest change was when it hit me when it was happening: my manhood. Now, before I tell you, it's not fun having a piece of flesh practically being shoved into you; it hurts! Not only does it have to go inside, but it's also compacting itself so it hurts that much more and it feels weird too... I'm going to go into some detail, so if you know you can't handle it, try not to listen too well... It started off with me feeling it pulling itself inside. After about a couple of second of uncomfortable pressure, it started to compress itself. I looked down and saw that it was reaching under and out of my sight, but I could feel it, that's a given. I could feel my... it was... I could feel it shrinking, to put it that way. Literally, it was the most awkward thing you could feel. Then, I felt my skin pinch where ever my manhood had gone to. So, after that was done with, the rest of the skin was starting to pull and drag itself into the makeshift slit that had formed beneath. And that was pretty much it; the slit formed, the rest of the flesh was inside and then my organs moved around. It felt weird having nothing there. It's like, you know you had something there and you know nothing is there, but when you go to move your legs or feel around there, all you feel is nothing but a patch of skin. I'm not going to lie, but I was actually feeling around there for a little, but when I felt my hand start to slip in, I quickly pulled back; I wasn't ready for stuff like that and never will be!
Finally, after so long, my boobs were starting to bloat. I tried taking deep breaths to speed it up, but it was going at its own pace. It looks uhh.... I guess the word to use here is interesting? Some word I don't know, like that, it was cool to watch, let's say that. It was like a balloon being blown up, to give you an idea. So, after about a couple of seconds of watching my breasts sprout, my transformation was over, so I could get out of the shower.
"Gina, I'm finished!" I shouted in my new voice. I stepped down and out of the shower. I grabbed a towel and started to dry my new body, examining each and every detail as I did. I folded the towel onto my body and walked to the living room, where I assumed she was watching TV. "'G'?" I called out, looking for her. "In my room! Come up here so I can take a look at you and I can get you into some of my clothes!" I quickly walked upstairs and opened the door to an environment that only a girl would like. Although I am a girl, I still didn't like it; I'm still me, you know. "Oh, don't you look cute!" She squealed in a voice a dog would love. "Haha... Funny... You said you had some clothes?" She pointed to her closet and I saw a dress already ready for me. It was a yellow dress with pink-ish knee socks and flats. "Nope. Not going to." "Aw, come on!" Gina complained. "You'll look nice!" I shook my head, "The only thing I'll look nice in is my jeans, a Skrillex T-shirt and a hoodie, Gina. I'm not wearing that." Gina thought for a couple of seconds, "At least wear panties, then?" "Fine." I snatched the white pair out of her hands and walked over to my room. Why did I take them? I know my boxers won't fit me anymore; I don't have anything down there to hold them up!
So, that's my story. If you're wondering, I'm still a girl. It's been well over a month and I'm actually enjoying it! I don't think I'll change back any time soon...
And apparently the 'changing' material is... Soap! Soap? Why soap? Why can't it be like a magical potion that tastes like sunshine dust? I mean, the name is 'Magic Soap', literally. That's pretty stupid, really it is. Might as well get into the shower and do it before my sister beats me up for not following a bet through. I opened the bar of soap and, it doesn't smell too bad! It actually smells like the uhm.... The antibacterial hand soap, you know? It's orange and smells... Ah, forget it, it just smells good! Anyways, so I get into the shower and start washing myself down with the soap. Nothing is really happening. Then, after about a minute of lathering my body, I felt this tingling all over my body. Like there was some sort of electricity flowing through. I had to keep washing, I don't think a small layer of soap isn't going to do me good. So, I'm washing and washing and then my skin feels really good! Not good as in rejuvenated, good as in soft! It was like this soap was made of baby oil! Anyways, back to what I was saying, my body started to go through some changes now that I've gotten enough soap into the pores. As a matter of fact, my hair started to grow. Might I say, when your hair grows quickly like that, it kind of hurts. I don't think your body is supposed to do that, which is why it did. But, my hair, it was long! Not only that, but the color of my black hair melted off and was now blonde. I liked it; it was blonde, but there was a pink hue to it when it was in shade, pretty cool! Then I noticed all of the body hair was thinning, disappearing, almost shrinking into my skin. Not only did I have the smooth skin of a girl, but now, I didn't have any body hair to prove it! Which is good, I suppose...
I started to shrink next. I felt sore when I was shrinking, the muscles and bones were cramping like I had done nothing but straight aerobics and stretching and stuff. It was actually starting to hurt after a while, really bad actually. While I was shrinking down to size, my legs and my arms were shrinking along with it. Not only to fit the proportions of my body, but almost slendering to give myself the small, detailed curves that a girl had, you know? My legs got extra attention, they were so shapely by the time I finished shrinking, actually kind of sexy! But no, I shouldn't be talking about myself like that, that's just wrong... It's one thing to bask in the way you look, but actually getting turned on by the way you look? Nope, that's just disgusting. Anyways, My hands and feet had shrunk by this time so they didn't look out of the ordinary, might I say, I did have some cute hands and feet! Then I started to freak out when I saw my chest grow these 2 mounds of flesh. They weren't big, they looked like small man boobs, but I knew they were going to grow out more by the time I got out of the shower.
Some of the more 'heavier' changes started to kick in next; my butt had started pushing itself out, I could tell because my butt was burning and I could feel some extra weight behind me. After my butt was done, and I guess my shrinking stature and bone manipulation was done either, my waist cracked really loud! So loud, I actually bent over and braced myself for pain, but there was just a sudden jerk and to my attention, my waist was now the familiar figure of an hourglass and love handles. "Hmph..." I grunted in disappointment when I realized that my hips were a little small, it didn't really show off my figure, you know? Ugh, listen to me, I'm starting to worry like a girl already... Anyways, when I had grunted, I could feel something in my throat; a piece of food? Phlegm? Whatever it was, I needed to clear my throat. I started to do so, but then something pricked it and made me cough. Each cough I made raised my voice higher and higher each time until it reached the perfect pitch. "How do I sound?" Amazing. I like this voice I have!
The biggest change was when it hit me when it was happening: my manhood. Now, before I tell you, it's not fun having a piece of flesh practically being shoved into you; it hurts! Not only does it have to go inside, but it's also compacting itself so it hurts that much more and it feels weird too... I'm going to go into some detail, so if you know you can't handle it, try not to listen too well... It started off with me feeling it pulling itself inside. After about a couple of second of uncomfortable pressure, it started to compress itself. I looked down and saw that it was reaching under and out of my sight, but I could feel it, that's a given. I could feel my... it was... I could feel it shrinking, to put it that way. Literally, it was the most awkward thing you could feel. Then, I felt my skin pinch where ever my manhood had gone to. So, after that was done with, the rest of the skin was starting to pull and drag itself into the makeshift slit that had formed beneath. And that was pretty much it; the slit formed, the rest of the flesh was inside and then my organs moved around. It felt weird having nothing there. It's like, you know you had something there and you know nothing is there, but when you go to move your legs or feel around there, all you feel is nothing but a patch of skin. I'm not going to lie, but I was actually feeling around there for a little, but when I felt my hand start to slip in, I quickly pulled back; I wasn't ready for stuff like that and never will be!
Finally, after so long, my boobs were starting to bloat. I tried taking deep breaths to speed it up, but it was going at its own pace. It looks uhh.... I guess the word to use here is interesting? Some word I don't know, like that, it was cool to watch, let's say that. It was like a balloon being blown up, to give you an idea. So, after about a couple of seconds of watching my breasts sprout, my transformation was over, so I could get out of the shower.
"Gina, I'm finished!" I shouted in my new voice. I stepped down and out of the shower. I grabbed a towel and started to dry my new body, examining each and every detail as I did. I folded the towel onto my body and walked to the living room, where I assumed she was watching TV. "'G'?" I called out, looking for her. "In my room! Come up here so I can take a look at you and I can get you into some of my clothes!" I quickly walked upstairs and opened the door to an environment that only a girl would like. Although I am a girl, I still didn't like it; I'm still me, you know. "Oh, don't you look cute!" She squealed in a voice a dog would love. "Haha... Funny... You said you had some clothes?" She pointed to her closet and I saw a dress already ready for me. It was a yellow dress with pink-ish knee socks and flats. "Nope. Not going to." "Aw, come on!" Gina complained. "You'll look nice!" I shook my head, "The only thing I'll look nice in is my jeans, a Skrillex T-shirt and a hoodie, Gina. I'm not wearing that." Gina thought for a couple of seconds, "At least wear panties, then?" "Fine." I snatched the white pair out of her hands and walked over to my room. Why did I take them? I know my boxers won't fit me anymore; I don't have anything down there to hold them up!
So, that's my story. If you're wondering, I'm still a girl. It's been well over a month and I'm actually enjoying it! I don't think I'll change back any time soon...
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Polyjuice Problems
Hello one and hello all! I am back from my trip and am back to start writing stories!
Enough of that, though. A person on deviantART has given me permission to write a story that was once a comic! (seen here:
In color:
So, credit is given to Blizarro (also to Kimbawest for the colored comic)!
I will be using some exerts/paraphrasing from the comic itself for a more humorous story, per se. So, I hope you enjoy the story ahead!
Enough of that, though. A person on deviantART has given me permission to write a story that was once a comic! (seen here:
In color:
So, credit is given to Blizarro (also to Kimbawest for the colored comic)!
I will be using some exerts/paraphrasing from the comic itself for a more humorous story, per se. So, I hope you enjoy the story ahead!
Harry and Ron were needed to infiltrate Slytherin's House in order to spy on Draco Malfoy. However, Ron and Harry are Gryffindors, they're not allowed into other Houses. So, Hermione is going to make a Polyjuice potion; a complex potion where one can change into any human/animal. Hermione has gotten the majority of the ingredients and is already putting the potion together, however, Ron and Harry need a piece of DNA from both, Crabbe and Goyle.
"You can't be serious." Ron complained. "About what?" Hermione asked as she mixed in a slab of Boomslang skin. "We have to get some piece of... them?" He sounded disgusted. "Well, if you are to go into Slytherin's House, you're going to have to disguise as them and there's no other way. So quit complaining and get something off of them." She sounded annoyed, but then again, she was pretty serious about her work. She looked up from the cauldron, "Go on, shoo." She waved them off and out of the bathroom.
They both came back pretty quick. "Wow, they weren't hard to find, then?" Ron and Harry looked at each other and smiled, "You could say that..." Ron tried to keep from giggling. "Okay... Right, give me what you've got." Ron went up and gave Hermoine a damp handkerchief, "Goyle's spit, presumably." Hermione handled the wet napkin and dipped it in a cauldron. "Harry?" He stepped up and gave her a half eaten muffin. "My, are they fat and disgusting..." She dropped the muffin into another cauldron. "Alright, looks like the potion will be done tomorrow. I suppose you could come by after lunch." Hermione continued to mix the potions. "Sounds good to me." Harry shrugged. They both walked off.
Around 11:35, Ron and Harry came back and looked oddly excited about the potions. "Okay; Ron, here's yours. And Harry's." She handed them a half beaker of juice that looks similar to wine. "Erm... I'm going to drink mine by the toilets, just in case I get sick..." Harry started to walk towards a stall. "It's not sickening, Harry, it's perfectly fine, you don't need to." Hermione explained. "No, no, it's fine. I'm just... It's paranoia, Hermione. Really, it is." Harry stepped into the stall. "Right... Okay, Ron, go on and drink your potion and we'll wait for Harry to get on with the plan. Ron smiled and started to down the repulsive potion. He placed the glass beaker on the floor and waited for the transformation.
Almost immediately, Ron dropped to the ground in pain as the changes began to take place. His skin all over started to bubble and almost melt as his skin changed. His entire body shrank along with his robes which fit his new body completely. Hermione looked a little confused; he was supposed to grow. Ron's hair started to change from a firey red to a light brown, just like Hermione's hair. Quickly, it melted down in front of his face and down past his shoulders. His pants crept up his legs and pulled themselves together for a skirt. While his skirt fluffed out, his chest expanded and his privates were quickly changed to fit the new found panties below. After, his face changed into Hermione's! His polyjuice change was finished.
"Ahh... Well then..." Ron stood up. "I say that went well." He... well, she, chuckled. "RON WEASLEY! WHAT IN THE BLOODY HELL!?" Hermione was enraged; Ron didn't take Goyle's spit, it was her own from drinking water! "What's the matter, Hermione? You should be proud of yourself! Your knacker's are pretty impressive!" Ron squeezed her, well, not Hermione's but, Ron's own set. "RON! R-R... Ron... I feel so... Violated..." Hermione started to cry. "Aww, cheer up! You should be proud to have a body like this! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to change into something more comfortable." Ron began to walk away. "Ron... RON! DON'T YOU DARE LOOK AT MY NAKED BODY!!" Before she could go chasing him, she heard voice from behind, "My oh my, this is quite a nice body..." She turned around and found herself staring into Ginnie's eyes. "H-H-Harry?" Hermione's voice a little shaky. "Yes?" Harry answered as she put her glasses into her pocket. "You... You faked your potion, too?" Harry nodded, "Of course! It was Ron's idea and I liked it! Now, I'm going to meet Ron and we're going to have some fun." Harry walked off and Hermione was left in the dust with shock and disgust.
"Ahh... Well then..." Ron stood up. "I say that went well." He... well, she, chuckled. "RON WEASLEY! WHAT IN THE BLOODY HELL!?" Hermione was enraged; Ron didn't take Goyle's spit, it was her own from drinking water! "What's the matter, Hermione? You should be proud of yourself! Your knacker's are pretty impressive!" Ron squeezed her, well, not Hermione's but, Ron's own set. "RON! R-R... Ron... I feel so... Violated..." Hermione started to cry. "Aww, cheer up! You should be proud to have a body like this! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to change into something more comfortable." Ron began to walk away. "Ron... RON! DON'T YOU DARE LOOK AT MY NAKED BODY!!" Before she could go chasing him, she heard voice from behind, "My oh my, this is quite a nice body..." She turned around and found herself staring into Ginnie's eyes. "H-H-Harry?" Hermione's voice a little shaky. "Yes?" Harry answered as she put her glasses into her pocket. "You... You faked your potion, too?" Harry nodded, "Of course! It was Ron's idea and I liked it! Now, I'm going to meet Ron and we're going to have some fun." Harry walked off and Hermione was left in the dust with shock and disgust.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Journal Entry #6: A day with my sister
December 17, 11:15 AM
My sister wants me to go shopping with her. Apparently, I'm going to have to get used to the fact that I'm turning into a girl and have to to every single thing with her. I don't see why, I don't even like shopping! Then again, my hair has grown a little longer... I suppose I'll go for the hair cut, but nothing more!
December 17, 2:30 PM
It turns out I did buy a few things... A lot actually. Some shirts, shoes, stockings... panties... Which, I don't see why I need panties; I still have... well, you know, and it'd be kind of worthless having them if that's there. Any who, I got new clothes to replace my old ones.
December 17, 11:11 PM
You're probably wondering why I'm up so late. Well, it's because I wanted to record this dream I just had. I was a full bled girl. I don't know exactly where I was, but in my dream, I was kissing my sister's boyfriend. Euch, what a shock... I hope that doesn't mean anything... Really, I don't...
My sister wants me to go shopping with her. Apparently, I'm going to have to get used to the fact that I'm turning into a girl and have to to every single thing with her. I don't see why, I don't even like shopping! Then again, my hair has grown a little longer... I suppose I'll go for the hair cut, but nothing more!
December 17, 2:30 PM
It turns out I did buy a few things... A lot actually. Some shirts, shoes, stockings... panties... Which, I don't see why I need panties; I still have... well, you know, and it'd be kind of worthless having them if that's there. Any who, I got new clothes to replace my old ones.
December 17, 11:11 PM
You're probably wondering why I'm up so late. Well, it's because I wanted to record this dream I just had. I was a full bled girl. I don't know exactly where I was, but in my dream, I was kissing my sister's boyfriend. Euch, what a shock... I hope that doesn't mean anything... Really, I don't...
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Journal Entry #5: I'm having... feelings?
December 15, 9:22 AM
My sister came back in to my room after I screamed bloody murder when I saw these new pieces of flesh. She came in and comforted me. Like I said, you can't ask for a better sister. But then she started getting ridiculous by asking all these questions. "Did you take some pills?" "Did you go to a plastic surgeon?" "Did you meet a wizard?" A wizard? Come on, sis, like there's such thing... As for the other 2, I don't take drugs and I haven't even left the house. I... oh, she's coming upstairs, I'll come back later.
December 15, 9:53 AM
First, let me tell you how pissed off I am with my sister: she comes in, gives me what she had given me yesterday and we started talking. Then, out of nowhere, she says, "I think I'm going to like having a sister around *WINK WINK*" I freaked out, pushing the toast onto my floor and spilling the chocolate milk all over my sheets, my clothes and her clothes. I just stared into the mirror thinking about my life as a girl; I can't picture it, I'm a guy for crying out loud! So, my sister got pissed with me. I apologized and we made up. She told me to go take a shower while she cleaned everything up, I think it's fine, so I go and take a shower!
Nope, doesn't work that way. Apparently, she has to change my bed sheets to pink and purple. lol, k. That's that, I'm sure she's just playing with me. She tells me she has to go to the store to buy... I dunno, food? Anyways, I'm sitting there with a towel around my bosoms, staring at my bed. I close my door and open my drawers; what do I find? What looks like my sister's clothes... WHAT IN GOD'S GREEN EARTH DOES SHE-... Door bell is ringing, did my sister forget her keys? Damn it, it looks like I'm going to have to put on some of these clothes... Be right back.
December 15, 10:10
It turns out it was my sister's boyfriend; he was looking for her. Plus, I was wearing some of her clothes and got called gay by him, but he's cool, I know he jokes around. Anyways, I told him she was at the store and I'm wearing these clothes as a dare. As soon as he asked me about my partially filled cups (in the shirt I chose to wear) I shut the door and said 'bye'.
He looked kind of cute. I think he may like me...
Does he? I kind of like him...
What am I saying? He's a guy! I'm a guy! I'm not gay! But these emotions... What am I feeling? It's not like me... Tomorrow's another day, it's probably just because I had a rough morning.
My sister came back in to my room after I screamed bloody murder when I saw these new pieces of flesh. She came in and comforted me. Like I said, you can't ask for a better sister. But then she started getting ridiculous by asking all these questions. "Did you take some pills?" "Did you go to a plastic surgeon?" "Did you meet a wizard?" A wizard? Come on, sis, like there's such thing... As for the other 2, I don't take drugs and I haven't even left the house. I... oh, she's coming upstairs, I'll come back later.
December 15, 9:53 AM
First, let me tell you how pissed off I am with my sister: she comes in, gives me what she had given me yesterday and we started talking. Then, out of nowhere, she says, "I think I'm going to like having a sister around *WINK WINK*" I freaked out, pushing the toast onto my floor and spilling the chocolate milk all over my sheets, my clothes and her clothes. I just stared into the mirror thinking about my life as a girl; I can't picture it, I'm a guy for crying out loud! So, my sister got pissed with me. I apologized and we made up. She told me to go take a shower while she cleaned everything up, I think it's fine, so I go and take a shower!
Nope, doesn't work that way. Apparently, she has to change my bed sheets to pink and purple. lol, k. That's that, I'm sure she's just playing with me. She tells me she has to go to the store to buy... I dunno, food? Anyways, I'm sitting there with a towel around my bosoms, staring at my bed. I close my door and open my drawers; what do I find? What looks like my sister's clothes... WHAT IN GOD'S GREEN EARTH DOES SHE-... Door bell is ringing, did my sister forget her keys? Damn it, it looks like I'm going to have to put on some of these clothes... Be right back.
December 15, 10:10
It turns out it was my sister's boyfriend; he was looking for her. Plus, I was wearing some of her clothes and got called gay by him, but he's cool, I know he jokes around. Anyways, I told him she was at the store and I'm wearing these clothes as a dare. As soon as he asked me about my partially filled cups (in the shirt I chose to wear) I shut the door and said 'bye'.
What am I saying? He's a guy! I'm a guy! I'm not gay! But these emotions... What am I feeling? It's not like me... Tomorrow's another day, it's probably just because I had a rough morning.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Nathan had a fear, a phobia, if you will. What fear? 'Cooties'. Ever since he was told in 2nd grade by a majority of his friends that girls carried the stuff, he has avoided them for that long a time, and he was a Freshman in high school. He wasn't nerdy nor was he gay, he just avoided the women so he wouldn't contract this virus. He was even a little paranoid around his mom at times.
It was Friday, a day before Spring break, and Nathan was coming out of his last period class while everybody screamed cheerfully. While walking the halls of his school, he saw a familiar face, a girl. "Nathan?" She called to him. "Hmm?" He grunted as he looked up from his small trance of thoughts. "Don't you remember me?" She put her arms out in a 'look at me!' type way. Nathan slowly shook his head, "Yes and no... Who were you again?" Her face looked kind of heartbroken that he didn't remember her, "It's Angelica!" Nathan's eyes lit up, "Oh yea!! How are you? How come I haven't seen you around if you go here?" "I don't, I'm only here because I'm picking my little sister up." They got to talking for a while and came time where they had to part ways and go home. "Anyways, Nathan, it was nice seeing you again!" "Yea, you too. I'll see you next time!" Nathan began to walk off when Angelica grabbed his hand, "Wait, don't I get a hug?" Nathan's eyes opened to inhumane proportions. "Uhh... Sure!" He stumbled on his words. Angelica pulled him in and gave him a heart warming hug, Nathan hesitated to hug back. As they gave each other a friendly hug, Nathan's thoughts started to race, "Oh no, I have the 'Cooties'. I'm infected, I'm going to die." "Bye Nathan!" Angelica waved. Nathan made a small, effortless wave, "Bye..."
Nathan raced his way home, in distress, panic and fear of what he may have gotten. He arrived home, breathless and opened his door, throwing his things on the couch and taking his clothes off as he ran to his room. Stumbling and almost tripping, he made a sharp turn into his room and opened the bathroom door to start the water in his bathroom for a shower. Not caring how cold or hot it was, he jumped in and began vigorously scrubbing his body. He got out of the shower and began to dry himself. He kind of chuckled and blushed at the sight of his panicking. He went into his room and put some clothes on and lay on his bed, ready for the week of break that is ahead.
The next day, he woke up with a mean cough. He was coughing so hard, he felt that he was going to puke at some points. His dad came in to find Nathan on the floor, coughing. "Oh my God, Nathan, are you all right?" His dad knelt down and rubbed his back. Nathan gave a wave of his hand, gesturing 'Go on, I'm fine'. Nathan finally stopped his coughing fit and took in several deep breaths. "Wow... I don't know what was wrong!" Nathan's dad put a hand to his forehead. Nathan chuckled, "Dad, just because I was coughing doesn't mean I'm automatically sick." "Really now? You're so hot, I could cook your breakfast on your forehead. You're not going anywhere today." Nathan started to pout, "Really?! Come on, I'm sure... sure..." Nathan bent over, holding his stomach as he could feel his stomach push whatever was in there up and out of his mouth. Quickly running to his bathroom, he could feel the thick liquid that was vomit shoot up. He was over the toilet in a snap. "Uh-huh, that's what I thought. I'll go to the store and get some medicine and sick stuff for ya. Your mom went to work, so you'll be by yourself until then." Nathan looked up with droopy eyes and nodded.
Nathan went back into bed, sick as can be. "Ohhh... What could have gotten me sick? All I did was... NO....!" He thought back to his hug with Angelica. "Nooo, it can't be!" He chuckled. He got up from his bed and headed to the kitchen to get some water. Covering himself with a blanket, he started to jump and move his hands around, thinking he was a wizard. Who can't have a little fun while they're sick? He went up to his fridge and grabbed the handle. As he grabbed the handle, he noticed something odd about his hand. His hand seemed oddly smaller, his fingers were slightly longer, too. "Hmm..." He leaned in closer to get a closer look. Suddenly, his arms started to chafe all the hairs on his arm. Frozen in time, he watched his hairs fall off of his arm, making a nice, smooth surface. Not only did his hairs fall off of his arm, they fell off of his legs, too. Every bit of body hair fell off of him. Nathan sprinted back to his room. As Nathan sprinted, his chest started to spurt a little bit. He arrived at his room and got under the covers. But he forgot about his chest and he could feel some jerking underneath his shirt. He got up and took his shirt off and looked at his chest, only to find a small pair of breasts starting to form.
Scared and freaked out, Nathan got back under his covers. "Ok..." He started to talk to himself, "Maybe what you saw was just in your head. You're sick, you're seeing things, that didn't happen." He took a deep breath and took his arm out from under the sheets and examined it. It turns out what he saw was real; his arm had a lighter tone of skin, was smooth and looked smaller. Still looking at his arm, he could see something creeping down into sight. He looked up and saw strands of hair get in front of his eyes. He got out of his bed once more and into the bathroom, surprisingly, not to puke this time. He looked in the mirror and saw his hair slowly grow down to his shoulders; it looked so unreal of how it grew. After his hair was finished growing out, he felt a burning sensation on his but. He tried to turn and see what it was, but he soon found out that his butt had pushed out because of how tight his pajama pants, as well as his boxers were, on him. With this tightness, he could easily see that his clothes were changing. The color on his clothes started to fade away and get sun bleached with white. His pants came up a little higher to reveal his ankles. The collar on his shirt split into a 'V' neck, showing off the skinny and feminie features of what looked like his new body. A small pair of cherries sew themselves over his heart on his shirt. With all these changes, he could see his face change from Nathan to a girl he's never seen before. Hips widening and body features dimming down to feminine proportions, he knew what happened; Angelica gave him the 'Cooties'.
A sudden jerk in his hips made him cringe and wince in pain. He could feel in his groin a burning pain that started to transform what declared him a man. Slowly but surely, the piece of flesh awkwardly started to change. He could feel his skin open, fold and even suck itself in as his manhood dissipated into a void that was soon to become his. After what seemed like an hour, the transformation was finished and he could feel nothing obstructing his clothes. The small pair of breasts he sprouted earlier were finished and Nathan was officially a girl.
Nadine was horrified; Angelica had given him 'Cooties', and apparently 'Cooties' was a TG virus. "Pooh..." She sighed. She heard the front door open and her dad called, "Nadine, I'm home! Come on down and drink some medicine so you'll feel better." Nadine was confused, did her dad know that she was a boy before? She made her way downstairs and saw her dad unpacking bags. "Uhm... Dad?" She quietly called. "Yes, dear?" "Do you know who I am?" Her dad looked at her. He walked over and hugged her, "Of course I do, cupcake, you're my little angel!" Nadine smiled, "Thanks." She kept a tight secret from her parents of the life that was Nathan.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Journal Entry #4: What's happening to me...?
December 14, 8:30 AM
No, my sister didn't wake me up this time, I'm actually kind of worried. I woke up because of this dream I had; I was flying. I was soaring through the air as the wisps of clouds gently pressed against my face. That is, until, I woke up and found out that those 'clouds' were actually my arms. Yes, my arms, my entire body; skin and all, is soft! I feel... I feel like a baby with this skin, you know? It's so soft and warm, but yet, I look so pale and... kind of girly now that I looked in the mirror. I'll write back in here when and if something else happens.
December 14, 9:15 AM
My sister brought me breakfast! She's so nice, I'm glad we have a good brother/sister relationship and not one of those typical, 'I-hate-my-sister' 'I-hate-my-brother' things. But yea, she brought me some french toast she made (wonderful, by the way) and some orange juice. So nice of her ^3^.
December 14, 9:20 AM
Oh shit... Oh my great God almighty... Uh... Well, here's the thing: I was just finishing up my breakfast when I felt this thing under my shirt. I thought it was a sock (my room is a bit dirty) so, I just fluffed my shit to get it out. Well, when I fluffed my shirt, I... nothing came out. I pressed my hand against my chest and felt these... bumps. I didn't know what it was! I started to take my shirt off and... I HAVE TITS!!! Knockers, bewbs, melons, rack, a pair; whatever you call them, I HAVE BOOBIES!!!!
What the hell is wrong with me? What's happening...?
No, my sister didn't wake me up this time, I'm actually kind of worried. I woke up because of this dream I had; I was flying. I was soaring through the air as the wisps of clouds gently pressed against my face. That is, until, I woke up and found out that those 'clouds' were actually my arms. Yes, my arms, my entire body; skin and all, is soft! I feel... I feel like a baby with this skin, you know? It's so soft and warm, but yet, I look so pale and... kind of girly now that I looked in the mirror. I'll write back in here when and if something else happens.
December 14, 9:15 AM
My sister brought me breakfast! She's so nice, I'm glad we have a good brother/sister relationship and not one of those typical, 'I-hate-my-sister' 'I-hate-my-brother' things. But yea, she brought me some french toast she made (wonderful, by the way) and some orange juice. So nice of her ^3^.
December 14, 9:20 AM
Oh shit... Oh my great God almighty... Uh... Well, here's the thing: I was just finishing up my breakfast when I felt this thing under my shirt. I thought it was a sock (my room is a bit dirty) so, I just fluffed my shit to get it out. Well, when I fluffed my shirt, I... nothing came out. I pressed my hand against my chest and felt these... bumps. I didn't know what it was! I started to take my shirt off and... I HAVE TITS!!! Knockers, bewbs, melons, rack, a pair; whatever you call them, I HAVE BOOBIES!!!!
What the hell is wrong with me? What's happening...?
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Journal Entry #3: I'm getting smaller!
December 12, 8:23 AM
You're probably wondering why I'm up so early, thanks to my sister, Ashley, who woke me up... Well, scared me awake anyways. Back on topic, she woke me up by tickling me. But that's not why I'm writing so early. She tickled me and stopped as soon as she put her hands on me. First thought, she knew how mad I get when I get waken up. I opened my eyes, looking at her with anger, and she stared back at me with these... Her eyes were indescribably worried. First, she asked me if I was working out (kind of awkward isn't it?), but I haven't left the house. So, without hesitating, I pushed her off of me and shooed her out of my room in panic. And she was right; I was really skinnier. It looked like I had that figure that girls had, but like I said, I woke up really early so, it's just my eyes.
December 12, 9:00 AM
I was on my way to the bathroom right after I wrote earlier. I think I'm getting shorter, really, I am. There's this picture hanging in the hallway of our family photo. I went to the bathroom and came back and I couldn't see the top of the picture frame anymore. Either my sister moved it, or I really am getting shorter...
You're probably wondering why I'm up so early, thanks to my sister, Ashley, who woke me up... Well, scared me awake anyways. Back on topic, she woke me up by tickling me. But that's not why I'm writing so early. She tickled me and stopped as soon as she put her hands on me. First thought, she knew how mad I get when I get waken up. I opened my eyes, looking at her with anger, and she stared back at me with these... Her eyes were indescribably worried. First, she asked me if I was working out (kind of awkward isn't it?), but I haven't left the house. So, without hesitating, I pushed her off of me and shooed her out of my room in panic. And she was right; I was really skinnier. It looked like I had that figure that girls had, but like I said, I woke up really early so, it's just my eyes.
December 12, 9:00 AM
I was on my way to the bathroom right after I wrote earlier. I think I'm getting shorter, really, I am. There's this picture hanging in the hallway of our family photo. I went to the bathroom and came back and I couldn't see the top of the picture frame anymore. Either my sister moved it, or I really am getting shorter...
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Journal Entry #2: What am I doing?
December 11, 9:03 AM
I decided to add titles to each entry I make so that way if I want to reread something, I can always go back to reread it for whatever reason.
Anyways, I'm writing this early because of this dream I had. It was... weird. I was this mermaid granting a wish for my sister because she found my comb or something, I dunno, I don't remember all of it. Oh well, I don't think it means anything.
December 11, 10:00 AM
Uhh... Ok, well, I uhmm... Really, I'm not one to... be perverted, I guess, but I was just looking up some lingerie and I liked the selection that I just saw. I don't know why I was looking that up in the first place nor do I know why I actually liked it. I just hope my sister doesn't check the history and finds out that I was looking at panties and stuff... That could get ugly.
December 11, 10:59 AM
My parents just left for their vacation. They left a considerable amount of cash for our needs. About $1,000 to be exact. But, my parents left, it's just me, my sister and my journal. Hopefully that thing I just did is just a small phase and will go away tomorrow. As a matter of fact, I'm going back on right now; I saw this cute pair with anime kittens!
God, what's wrong with me...?
I decided to add titles to each entry I make so that way if I want to reread something, I can always go back to reread it for whatever reason.
Anyways, I'm writing this early because of this dream I had. It was... weird. I was this mermaid granting a wish for my sister because she found my comb or something, I dunno, I don't remember all of it. Oh well, I don't think it means anything.
December 11, 10:00 AM
Uhh... Ok, well, I uhmm... Really, I'm not one to... be perverted, I guess, but I was just looking up some lingerie and I liked the selection that I just saw. I don't know why I was looking that up in the first place nor do I know why I actually liked it. I just hope my sister doesn't check the history and finds out that I was looking at panties and stuff... That could get ugly.
December 11, 10:59 AM
My parents just left for their vacation. They left a considerable amount of cash for our needs. About $1,000 to be exact. But, my parents left, it's just me, my sister and my journal. Hopefully that thing I just did is just a small phase and will go away tomorrow. As a matter of fact, I'm going back on right now; I saw this cute pair with anime kittens!
God, what's wrong with me...?
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Journal Entry #1
December 10, 10:38 AM
What I mean by recording purposes is... Uh, how can I put this... I woke up this morning and I felt this tingly feeling on my arms and my legs. First thought, I think it was a spider or some bug on me and started to freak out. But when my eyes started to clear up from the morning grog, I saw that the hair on my legs and my arms were falling off! What the hell? I'm not quite sure what's going on exactly, but I think I may be getting bald... Oh no, I'm only a Freshman in high school and I'm already losing my hair!
Looks like my sister woke up, I just heard the bathroom door close. I don't want her to see me with a book that I'm writing in or I'll never hear the end of it.
December 10, 11:47 AM
I just found out that my parents are going on a vacation together to the Bahamas; weird how they're taking a vacation in Christmas, no family time. Good for my sister and I, I suppose, we won't have them breathing down our necks for our Christmas break. Anyways, ever since my hair fell off, my skin feels really soft now. I guess you can never tell how soft your skin really is without hair being in the way. I'll write in here tomorrow or if something happens later in the day.
Monday, March 12, 2012
My Facebook!
Hey guys
I've decided to make a Facebook specifically for me and this blog. I realize I haven't keep my promises of writing stories and finishing them. So, if you want to contact me, tell me when I'll be doing them etc. then please, friend me!
I'll be there most of the time to respond and maybe say when the next story/poll is coming so I don't have to take room up on the blog. So, like I said, friend me and we'll be set. Tell your friends!
I've decided to make a Facebook specifically for me and this blog. I realize I haven't keep my promises of writing stories and finishing them. So, if you want to contact me, tell me when I'll be doing them etc. then please, friend me!
I'll be there most of the time to respond and maybe say when the next story/poll is coming so I don't have to take room up on the blog. So, like I said, friend me and we'll be set. Tell your friends!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
The Look of Love
If the story seems a little rushed, I'm sorry. I kind of wanted to get this story done so I could start the next one that I kind of promised. So, here's the story, I hope you enjoy!
Happy Valentine's!!

Happy Valentine's!!

James hated Valentine's Day. Every year, he'd watch his friends go off with their girlfriends and cuddle together under the moonlight or go to a restaurant to have a romantic dinner; he despised it all only for a simple fact; he never had a girlfriend. He's had multiple opportunities but always ended with him failing to ask a girl out, that they may already have a boyfriend or they're not looking for a relationship. Always ending with him as being alone.
With this, James was pretty much depressed each time Valentine's came around. He would sit on his bed at home and watch TV. But the TV only taunted him and showed Valentine specials. "GOD!" He turned the TV off and threw his remote on the bed. "I HATE BEING ALONE!!" He yelled in despair, he sounded as if he were about to cry. "I... I just wish I could have somebody to cuddle with on Valentines... Somebody to hug and kiss..." A tear came from his eye as he looked down at the ground in defeat. "But I guess that thought is just not possible..." He got up from his bed and went downstairs to get himself some water. Walking downstairs, he could feel something different. Like the walls were getting bigger, taller almost when he made his way downstairs. He ignored it and stepped into the kitchen. He opened the cupboard and tried getting a glass; he couldn't reach. He tried so hard trying to get a glass but it's like he shrunk a foot. He sighed in defeat and got a glass from the dishwasher and cleaned it. As he cleaned the stained blue glass, he noticed his hands were changing. No, they weren't beginning to raisin, but rather shrink. He turned the water off and took a closer look at his hand. "Hmm..." He softly hummed, examining his hand. His hand was smaller and looked almost fragile it was so small. His fingernails appeared to have grown slightly and his hand was completely hairless. It didn't quite hit him what was happening, but he, like the shrinking, ignored it and went on about his business. He finished washing the cup and turned to his fridge, only to be met by a sudden tingly feeling. "What is going on?" He put the cup down and stood there, waiting for something else to happen. After about 2 minutes, he picked the cup up and started for the fridge. He placed the cup under the water dispenser when he felt something on his neck. He brushed it away but it only came back. He played with this mysterious tickle on his neck for several seconds before he realized it was his hair.
"Oh my God!" He flinched, almost dropping the glass of water. He placed the glass down and went back upstairs to his bathroom to see his, what was apparently, his new hair. Tripping and stumbling on the stairs to his room, he could feel his clothes become loose, as if he'd shrunk a little bit more. He got to his room and rushed into the bathroom. He turned the light on and saw the changes. His hair was now blonde and he had lost all masculinity. His skin was now lighter in tone. He looked closer in the mirror, trying to make sure what he was seeing wasn't false. As he crept towards the mirror, he could feel his butt pushing out; he wanted to stop but it was kind of forcing him. Without paying attention, he bumped into the mirror. He stepped back and saw that his face was completely different; he had the face of a girl. By this time, he realized how tight his boxers and jeans were against his skin. He could feel his butt push against the cloth and denim, it was really uncomfortable. That's when his jeans started to climb up his legs and start to merge together as they did. He looked down and saw the denim of his jeans turn into a blue cloth. Nearing his thighs, he could feel the rough cloth of his boxers to a pair of soft cotton panties.
"Oh wow..." He said, hearing his voice change. He blushed at the thought of him wearing panties took his attention off his changing jeans. He looked up at his shirt which had started to change into a blouse by that time. The sleeves had already grown down above his wrists and started to paint blue stripes on the entire thing. He was kind of intrigued at the whole thing, but his interest was cut off by a tight pull on his waist. He looked down and found his new found skirt forming a type of bow on his waist. It pulled itself again, getting tighter on his waist. As it pulled itself onto his skin, it also pushed his waist in to fit perfectly. Still looking down, he could see his thighs expand to size and giving him a nice hourglass figure that all girls had. He felt something under the blouse and disturbed him. Trying to see through, he couldn't see anything, but he could feel what felt like a bra cuddling close to his chest. He could feel soft cloth against his nipples which kind of tickled. But that sensation soon went away when he saw that his chest was started to bloom.
Just when he thought things couldn't get worse, he felt a pull between his legs. His hips jerked as the pull got stronger and stronger. "Oh no..." He whispered. He could feel a void open up from below as he knew that something was disappearing. He placed a hand under the skirt to feel around, but only found an empty patch of cloth and skin. He looked up and saw the final moments of his blooming chest filling in the bra underneath. And at last, the changes were finished.
Jenny was shocked. She had just been turned into a girl. "I... I don't know what to do with a body like this..." She said in a quite, innocent voice. Just then, the doorbell rang. Her heart jumped as the thought entered her mind, "What if that's my parents?" She ran downstairs and peeked through the window; it was a guy in a tuxedo. "What the...?" She stood there, peeking through the window, looking at this guy. Each second she stared at him, he started to look more and more attractive. She was trying to build up the nerve to open the door, but was too nervous to answer. The man in the tux started to leave. She closed the blinds and opened the door and called to him, "Wait!!" He turned around. "Oh, hello." He said. "I'm looking for a girl named Jenny, is she by any chance here?" When he said Jenny, her brain told her that it was indeed her, and her mind took over from there. "I'm her." The man went up to her and placed his hands around her hips, "Happy Valentine's Day." And hugged her. As he hugged her, a tear came to Jenny's eye and started to hug back, "Happy Valentine's Day."
The story may have to wait... Sorry!!
I'm sure most of you have seen my newest poll and the story that was supposed to come. Sadly, I'm going to have to postpone said story because I figured, I should to a Valentine themed story. So, tomorrow, the picture will go up and the story shall be written. Of course, it may not get started immediately because I just love to sleep in on Saturdays ;).
In due time, everybody! Thanks :D
In due time, everybody! Thanks :D
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Varsity has its attributes
Marc ran track. He loves to run and likes to have a challenge when he runs. To show his love, he tries the hardest he can to get to Varsity track, and eventually, he made it. Being as proud as he is, his coach noticed his love for track and decided to put him to the test and enter him into a national track meet.
One fine Wednesday, he went out onto track after school for his routine mile lap. As he stretched, his coach came up to him, "Hey Marc!" "Oh, hey coach!" "Listen, I've noticed your incredible performance on the track and decided to enter you into the national track meet!" Marc was excited. "Awesome!" "Of course, I'm going to have to keep a record of your runs for goals and such." Marc shrugged, "Sounds good to me!" "Alright, finish your stretching and we'll start." As Marc continued to stretch, he noticed a group of girls. He must have been oblivious because he'd never seen the girls here before. "Hey, John." He began to his friend next to him. "Have the girls always been there?" John chuckled, "You must be too into your running, bro. They've always been there!" Marc scratched his head and shrugged, "Oh well..."
His coach was going to start him off with a simple training technique; Marc was to run 100m, then 200m all the way up to 500m to check his speed. He would do this each day and work his way up to a mile and up. "Ready... Set... GO!" Marc started a sprint to the end of the 100m. "Stop!" Marc didn't hear him and kept running. The coach blew his whistle. Marc stopped. He had run a full 300 meters and wasn't even breathless. "Nice job, Marc! You clocked in in about 7.53 seconds!" Marc was impressed with himself, he didn't know he ran that fast.
Next day came and instead of doing a 200m dash, he went straight to 500m. "Ready, set, GO!" Again, Marc sprinted at his best speed. He looked over to the left and saw the girls doing the same, probably training for a local track meet. "Stop!" His coach yelled. "You ran a total of 14.27 seconds. That's ridiculously impressive, Marc." "Thanks!" Marc couldn't help but hear the girl's coach, "Sandy, you ran 21.20 seconds. That's the fastest time we've had for the girl's track!" Marc thought in his head, "Wow, 21 seconds is kind of slow, but then again, the girls don't have as muscular feature as boys do..." He shrugged and went off to shower and head home. When he got home, his dad was watching the news and there was a sickness that was getting loose to the people. It wasn't a fatal sickness, but rather an unusual one; it actually turned people the opposite gender. Marc didn't necessarily care, he knew that there is no such sickness that could do that in the first place. So, he ignored it and went off to his bedroom to relax with a nice bit of TV.
The next day, he walked onto the track, feeling nervous for some reason. He didn't know why, the marathon wasn't for another week. He stepped up onto one lane and began to stretch. He didn't want to be one to stare, but he caught a glimpse of the girls next to him. He noticed that some of the girls took their shoes off. "Why would they do that?" He wondered. Shoes obviously give more grip and won't make you slip if you stepped in something nasty. Then again, shoes added weight and somewhat slowed you down. He ignored it and finished stretching. "Alright, Marc, are you ready?" Marc got into position and nodded. "Ready, set, GO!" Marc took off sprinting for the 650m dash. About 4 seconds in, he began to lose his footing and started to stumble. Then, he fell. "Whoa! Marc!" His coach ran over to him, "Are you okay?" His coach knelt down and take a closer look. "Yea..." Marc moaned. It looked like he hit the ground a little hard, but Marc came out with little scrapes on his legs and hands. "I'm good, coach, I can still run." "Alright, I just want to make sure you're okay. Let me go get some bandages." His coach took off and Marc stood there examining his scrapes. Nothing too bad. He started back towards the start of the dash. As he walked, he noticed his shoes were loose. "Ah, they were untied!" Marc knelt down and tied his shoes and began to walk again. Still, they were loose. "Hmmm..." Marc grunted in annoyance. He knelt down and tied his shoes as tight as they would let his strength pull them. "There." Marc took a few more steps, and still the shoes were loose. "UGH!" He shouted. His coach came back to find Marc irritated. "What's wrong, Marc?" He handed him the bandages. "Coach, you think I could run this with my shoes off? My shoes were loose, that's how I fell." Marc explained, putting the bandages on the small cuts. "Uhm... Sure!" Marc took his shoes off and got into position. "Let's start back at 500m, Marc. I know those wounds aren't serious, but I just don't want you to suffer the whole way down." "Sounds fair, coach." "Ready, set, GO!" Marc began his sprint for 500 again. "STOP!" His coach yelled. "You ran... 21.20 seconds." Marc's eyes widened. "21.20?" He managed to gulp. "Yes sir!" He remembered the girls coach saying that that was the fastest time for girls. He shook his head and got it out of his mind. "Go and get some rest, we'll see how good you do tomorrow." Marc got home, still shocked about his time. "I'm sure it's nothing." He tried assuring himself. "It was probably your cuts, nothing more." He went upstairs and went to bed.
Marc's clothing wasn't fitting right the entire day. When he got up, it was fine, but by the end of 8th period, his shirt was practically coming off. He went out to the track where his coach was sitting on the chair. "I'm here coach!" "Oh good, I was worried that you were sick!" "Uh, one thing coach." "What's up?" "Do you mind if I... Take my shirt off?" His coach was confused. "It's a little loose, I think I got the wrong one this morning. I don't want it to drag me if I'm running." His coach was confused. "Yea... sure..." Marc set his backpack and other things down where he usually put it. He took his shoes off and then his shirt. When he did, he noticed skin was awfully pale. His coach couldn't help but notice his skin too, he was worried about Marc now. "Alright..." His coach began in a stirred voice. "You're running the 400m again. Ready, set, GO!" Marc took off, full sprint, giving it his all. He felt weightless with the way he was running. "STOP!" Marc jogged back to his coach. "You ran... 28.37 seconds." Marc was awestruck. "What? I was doing a full on sprint! Nobody could have stopped me!" His coach sat down, "I know..." Marc noticed some worry in him. "Marc, I think you may want to go to the doctor." Marc's adrenaline started to race a little bit. "Why's that, coach?" "To be perfectly honest? ...I think you're turning into a girl."
"What?" Marc had this indescribable look on his face. "I think you should go to the doctor tomorrow." His coach told him in the most depressing tone he'd ever heard. When Marc got home that evening, he told his parents. "Mom, my coach said-" "We know, he called us." His dad put his newspaper down, "I think it's total boohockey. There's no way somebody can totally turn into a girl. I believe gays, yes, but a full blooded girl? That's-" "- enough, dear. We'll take you Saturday."
Surprisingly, Saturday came quite quickly. They checked in and waited about 15 minutes before getting called in. As Marc stepped into the doctor's room, a powerful blast of alcohol hit his nose. Marc coughed and sat down in a chair. As soon as he sat down, his doctor came in. "Hello, Marc!" He said. "Hi." "I'm Dr. Davis." They shook hands and Marc got a little more comfortable in his chair. "So... I'm hearing about you... turning into a girl?" Dr. Davis seemed a little disgruntled. "Well, that's what my coach says. My dad and I don't believe that whole stuff." Dr. Davis nodded. "Hmph. Well, we're going to take a blood sample anyways. Just for safety measures. Checking for any type of sickness, diseases etc." Dr. Davis pulled a needle out from the drawer. "If you don't mind?" Marc shrugged, "Go for it. I'm healthy as is." Dr. Davis sanitized a small spot on his arm and drew blood. "Now, usually it'll take days to test for diseases; and it will. But for this whole gender changing situation, it'll be no more than a couple of minutes. I'll be back with results." Dr. Davis opened the door and left.
Marc sat there for sometime. He thought to himself, thinking of how it's all possible to turn into a girl. "How do you get it? How does it even work?" Questions that a trained scientist may answer. His thoughts were interrupted by the door opening; it was his mother. "Geez, I've been looking for your room for a while! Where's-" "Excuse me, are you Marc's mother?" The door shut and all he could hear was muffled talking. All of a sudden, his mother began to cry. The door opened once more and Dr. Davis entered the room. "Well, Marc... I-I don't know how it's even possible... But it turns out that you are indeed turning into a girl." Marc jumped up from his chair. "HOW!? How is that possible!?!?" Dr. Davis went over to grab a white board from the cabinet above. "It's actually quite simple. The scientists who discovered this disease explained that it's mainly genomic, which is odd. Basically, your 'X' and 'Y' chromosomes are acting weird. Eventually, the chromosomes in the male body turn from an 'XY' to an 'XX'. Looking at yours, you're 'Y' is about a quarter finished from turning into a complete 'X'. So, to wrap it up, you'll be a full blooded woman by... Next week."
Marc got into the car with his mom. She started the car and began her way home. The awkward silence in the car could be cut with a knife. "So, mom..." Marc slowly began. "How... How does this uhm... affect you?" Marc's mom sighed, "I suppose... Well, I'm actually kind of happy." Marc made a 'what?' face. "What?" "Sure, you're turning into a girl. Now, I get to talk to you about more personal things! I get to finally open up and you'll understand every bit of it." "Is she out of her mind?!" Marc thought. "So, you're okay with this whole 'me-turning-into-a-girl' business?!" "100%." They got home and Marc was a little upset with his mom. "So, what did they say? Is it not real?" His dad asked. "They say my 'Y' is turning into an 'X'.' His dad scratched his head. "It's real, I'm turning into a girl." His dad had this look on his face that was so serious, but so much worry. "Oh." His dad didn't know how to react. His son was turning to his daughter. "I'll be completely different by next Saturday." "Wow..." Marc's dad managed to say. He turned the TV on and was silent the rest of that day.
Over the course of the week, Marc's changes were... tolerable. By Tuesday, his hair had grown down to his shoulders. Wednesday, he shrunk and lost most of his masculine features. Thursday, his voice changed over the course of the day, so by the end of track, he had the voice of a 3 year old. Friday was the worst, he lost... well... pretty much the thing that declared him a man. Saturday his entire face and body changed into that of a 16 year old girl, however, his mindset was still the same, so Michelle's dad and herself still had the fun they had when Marc was around.
The story seemed a bit of a rush near the end, I'm sorry for that. I hate to sound lazy, but at least the story is finished! I'll be putting another poll for another story right now. Be sure to vote! I hope you enjoyed the story!
The next day, he walked onto the track, feeling nervous for some reason. He didn't know why, the marathon wasn't for another week. He stepped up onto one lane and began to stretch. He didn't want to be one to stare, but he caught a glimpse of the girls next to him. He noticed that some of the girls took their shoes off. "Why would they do that?" He wondered. Shoes obviously give more grip and won't make you slip if you stepped in something nasty. Then again, shoes added weight and somewhat slowed you down. He ignored it and finished stretching. "Alright, Marc, are you ready?" Marc got into position and nodded. "Ready, set, GO!" Marc took off sprinting for the 650m dash. About 4 seconds in, he began to lose his footing and started to stumble. Then, he fell. "Whoa! Marc!" His coach ran over to him, "Are you okay?" His coach knelt down and take a closer look. "Yea..." Marc moaned. It looked like he hit the ground a little hard, but Marc came out with little scrapes on his legs and hands. "I'm good, coach, I can still run." "Alright, I just want to make sure you're okay. Let me go get some bandages." His coach took off and Marc stood there examining his scrapes. Nothing too bad. He started back towards the start of the dash. As he walked, he noticed his shoes were loose. "Ah, they were untied!" Marc knelt down and tied his shoes and began to walk again. Still, they were loose. "Hmmm..." Marc grunted in annoyance. He knelt down and tied his shoes as tight as they would let his strength pull them. "There." Marc took a few more steps, and still the shoes were loose. "UGH!" He shouted. His coach came back to find Marc irritated. "What's wrong, Marc?" He handed him the bandages. "Coach, you think I could run this with my shoes off? My shoes were loose, that's how I fell." Marc explained, putting the bandages on the small cuts. "Uhm... Sure!" Marc took his shoes off and got into position. "Let's start back at 500m, Marc. I know those wounds aren't serious, but I just don't want you to suffer the whole way down." "Sounds fair, coach." "Ready, set, GO!" Marc began his sprint for 500 again. "STOP!" His coach yelled. "You ran... 21.20 seconds." Marc's eyes widened. "21.20?" He managed to gulp. "Yes sir!" He remembered the girls coach saying that that was the fastest time for girls. He shook his head and got it out of his mind. "Go and get some rest, we'll see how good you do tomorrow." Marc got home, still shocked about his time. "I'm sure it's nothing." He tried assuring himself. "It was probably your cuts, nothing more." He went upstairs and went to bed.
Marc's clothing wasn't fitting right the entire day. When he got up, it was fine, but by the end of 8th period, his shirt was practically coming off. He went out to the track where his coach was sitting on the chair. "I'm here coach!" "Oh good, I was worried that you were sick!" "Uh, one thing coach." "What's up?" "Do you mind if I... Take my shirt off?" His coach was confused. "It's a little loose, I think I got the wrong one this morning. I don't want it to drag me if I'm running." His coach was confused. "Yea... sure..." Marc set his backpack and other things down where he usually put it. He took his shoes off and then his shirt. When he did, he noticed skin was awfully pale. His coach couldn't help but notice his skin too, he was worried about Marc now. "Alright..." His coach began in a stirred voice. "You're running the 400m again. Ready, set, GO!" Marc took off, full sprint, giving it his all. He felt weightless with the way he was running. "STOP!" Marc jogged back to his coach. "You ran... 28.37 seconds." Marc was awestruck. "What? I was doing a full on sprint! Nobody could have stopped me!" His coach sat down, "I know..." Marc noticed some worry in him. "Marc, I think you may want to go to the doctor." Marc's adrenaline started to race a little bit. "Why's that, coach?" "To be perfectly honest? ...I think you're turning into a girl."
"What?" Marc had this indescribable look on his face. "I think you should go to the doctor tomorrow." His coach told him in the most depressing tone he'd ever heard. When Marc got home that evening, he told his parents. "Mom, my coach said-" "We know, he called us." His dad put his newspaper down, "I think it's total boohockey. There's no way somebody can totally turn into a girl. I believe gays, yes, but a full blooded girl? That's-" "- enough, dear. We'll take you Saturday."
Surprisingly, Saturday came quite quickly. They checked in and waited about 15 minutes before getting called in. As Marc stepped into the doctor's room, a powerful blast of alcohol hit his nose. Marc coughed and sat down in a chair. As soon as he sat down, his doctor came in. "Hello, Marc!" He said. "Hi." "I'm Dr. Davis." They shook hands and Marc got a little more comfortable in his chair. "So... I'm hearing about you... turning into a girl?" Dr. Davis seemed a little disgruntled. "Well, that's what my coach says. My dad and I don't believe that whole stuff." Dr. Davis nodded. "Hmph. Well, we're going to take a blood sample anyways. Just for safety measures. Checking for any type of sickness, diseases etc." Dr. Davis pulled a needle out from the drawer. "If you don't mind?" Marc shrugged, "Go for it. I'm healthy as is." Dr. Davis sanitized a small spot on his arm and drew blood. "Now, usually it'll take days to test for diseases; and it will. But for this whole gender changing situation, it'll be no more than a couple of minutes. I'll be back with results." Dr. Davis opened the door and left.
Marc sat there for sometime. He thought to himself, thinking of how it's all possible to turn into a girl. "How do you get it? How does it even work?" Questions that a trained scientist may answer. His thoughts were interrupted by the door opening; it was his mother. "Geez, I've been looking for your room for a while! Where's-" "Excuse me, are you Marc's mother?" The door shut and all he could hear was muffled talking. All of a sudden, his mother began to cry. The door opened once more and Dr. Davis entered the room. "Well, Marc... I-I don't know how it's even possible... But it turns out that you are indeed turning into a girl." Marc jumped up from his chair. "HOW!? How is that possible!?!?" Dr. Davis went over to grab a white board from the cabinet above. "It's actually quite simple. The scientists who discovered this disease explained that it's mainly genomic, which is odd. Basically, your 'X' and 'Y' chromosomes are acting weird. Eventually, the chromosomes in the male body turn from an 'XY' to an 'XX'. Looking at yours, you're 'Y' is about a quarter finished from turning into a complete 'X'. So, to wrap it up, you'll be a full blooded woman by... Next week."
Marc got into the car with his mom. She started the car and began her way home. The awkward silence in the car could be cut with a knife. "So, mom..." Marc slowly began. "How... How does this uhm... affect you?" Marc's mom sighed, "I suppose... Well, I'm actually kind of happy." Marc made a 'what?' face. "What?" "Sure, you're turning into a girl. Now, I get to talk to you about more personal things! I get to finally open up and you'll understand every bit of it." "Is she out of her mind?!" Marc thought. "So, you're okay with this whole 'me-turning-into-a-girl' business?!" "100%." They got home and Marc was a little upset with his mom. "So, what did they say? Is it not real?" His dad asked. "They say my 'Y' is turning into an 'X'.' His dad scratched his head. "It's real, I'm turning into a girl." His dad had this look on his face that was so serious, but so much worry. "Oh." His dad didn't know how to react. His son was turning to his daughter. "I'll be completely different by next Saturday." "Wow..." Marc's dad managed to say. He turned the TV on and was silent the rest of that day.
Over the course of the week, Marc's changes were... tolerable. By Tuesday, his hair had grown down to his shoulders. Wednesday, he shrunk and lost most of his masculine features. Thursday, his voice changed over the course of the day, so by the end of track, he had the voice of a 3 year old. Friday was the worst, he lost... well... pretty much the thing that declared him a man. Saturday his entire face and body changed into that of a 16 year old girl, however, his mindset was still the same, so Michelle's dad and herself still had the fun they had when Marc was around.
The story seemed a bit of a rush near the end, I'm sorry for that. I hate to sound lazy, but at least the story is finished! I'll be putting another poll for another story right now. Be sure to vote! I hope you enjoyed the story!
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